本文是一篇供应链论文,针对研究中存在的问题,以组织学习理论和社会交换理论为基础,探讨了以交互质量为调节变量的供应链组织外部搜索、知识共享和服务创新之间的关系。本研究以221家企业为样本,进行实证研究,验证六个假设。研究结论如下:(1)供应链组织外部搜索与服务创新呈倒U型关系;(2) 知识共享在供应链组织外部搜索与服务创新之间起着中介作用(3)互动质量对供应链外部搜索与知识共享、知识共享与服务创新之间的关系有着积极的调节作用组织。
Chapter I Introduction
1.1 Research background and research significance
1.1.1 Research background
With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, knowledge has increasingly become the exclusive resources of the enterprises and source of the core competence. On the basis of the original supply chain management based on logistics and capital flow, the attention to knowledge management has become the inevitable trend of the development of supply chain management. In the future, the competition will be transformed into the one between knowledge supply chains. The key of knowledge supply chain to win in the competition is to implement knowledge sharing and service innovation among the supply chain organizations Innovation requires a wide range of knowledge. Some innovations are the results of the application of new knowledge, while others are the result of restructuring old knowledge. The wider the range of integrated knowledge, the less common knowledge, and the less efficient it is to communicate and integrate knowledge. Different types of expertise tend to complement rather than replace each other. The ability formed from integration makes it difficult for competitors to copy because of the increase in causal ambiguity and the time-economy of replication. Organizational learning is embedded in the environment and closely related to the environment and knowledge. Learning can produce meaningful knowledge that can reduce the uncertainty of the environment. Knowledge-based learning is essential to building the competitive advantage of an enterprise. Huber points out that knowledge acquisition is an important concept related to organizational learning. The acquisition of knowledge is an important purpose of organizational learning. The organization usually acquires knowledge in three ways as follows: (1) learning from the experience of the organization; (2) gaining the knowledge by extrapolating the potentials in the future through experiments; (3) learning from the outside of the organization to obtain knowledge that does not exist in the organization. Search is the behavior of searching, acquiring, and using external channel knowledge to solve problems in an uncertain world. It has become an explicit way to win competitiveness.
1.2 Research objectives and research method
1.2.1 Research objectives
Service innovation is the universal pursuit of supply chain organizations, but the effect is very limited. Although the relationship between external search and service innovation in supply chain organizations has been discussed at present, the study is&