

日期:2018年01月25日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3536
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200609172237099170 论文字数:39494 所属栏目:战略管理论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

硕士学位论文 工业企业实施危机管理问题研究                       

摘       要      

随着全球经济一体化的到来,我国工业企业面临一个越来越复杂、竞争越来越激烈、危机越来越多的市场经济,这对工业企业提出了越来越高的要求。而我国企业在长期的计划经济条件下所形成的缺乏危机意识、不了解企业危机的特征和规律、不重视危机管理的现实,使得很多工业企业缺乏发展的压力和动力。因此,树立危机意识、实施危机管理是我国广大工业企业面临的一个新课题。     由于危机管理是新兴的管理科学领域,国内外对有关危机、危机管理的研究仍然处于探讨和完善阶段,所以在基本概念、基本方法和技巧的表述上可谓智者见智、仁者见仁,甚至在有些概念的表述上存在较大的分歧。这在一定程度上给企业实施危机管理带来了不便。 本论文首先在明确危机、企业危机概念的基础上,描述了企业危机的一般特征及基本成因;回顾了国内外有关危机管理的研究状况,并对危机管理进行了比较规范的定义。目的旨在为工业企业实施危机管理提供理论依据。 在明确基本概念的基础上,对我国工业企业面临危机的外部成因和内部成因进行了较为详细的分析;对工业企业出现危机的一般征兆进行了分析。 本论文的核心内容,是对我国工业企业实施危机管理提供方法论。工业企业实施危机管理的基本工作内容:一是结合企业实际情况建立一套科学的危机管理指标体系;二是建立危机管理的预警系统,以防患于未然;三是进行企业危机调查;四是进行危机的评价与判断;五是危机准备;六是危机的预防、控制与处理。本章中,工业企业危机管理预警系统的建立是重中之重,本论文用层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价来对工业企业危机进行动态监测,并通过企业实证分析验证了其科学性和可操作性。     必须明确我国工业企业实施危机管理的重要性和紧迫感,使企业能够健康、快速发展。 

关键词:危机 危机管理 指标体系 预警系统 综合评价 


With the approaching of ecomamic globalization, manufacturing enterprises in China are confronted with a more complicated econorny, in which competition is becoming more fierce and there will be more crises . As a result, higher requirements are made for them. However , these euterprises which grew under the planned econorny lack crisis awareness and they do not understand the features and rules of enterprise crises and attach little to the reality of crises management , which makes them lack of development pressure and motivation . therefore, the new problem faced by most manufacturing enterprises is to set up crisis awareness and inplement crisis management .     Crisis management is a new field in management science, and the study on crisi and crisis management in China and abroad in still on the stage of exploration and perfection . Consequently,there ane different statements for basic concepts , fundamental methods and techniques. and there even are great differences in the statements of some concepts. To sore extent, this leads to the diffiactty  in implementing crisis management for enterprises .     

This paper first describes general characteristics and their fundamental causes of enterprise crises on the basis of identifying crises  and enterprise crises. It alse reviews the present conditions of studying crisis management in China and abroad. At the same time . the paper suggests a proper definition for crisis management ,the purpose of doing so is to provide theoretical evidences for manufacturing enterprises to implement crisis  management .     After the basic concepts are made clear, the paper analyzes the internal and extermal causes of crises faced by our manufacturing enterprises in detail and analyzes the general signs of crises .    

The core content of the paper is to provide a metholology for manufacturing enterprises to implement crisis management . The fundamental content of implementing crisis management in manufacturing enterprises is as follows: (1)to set up a set of scientific indicator system of crisis management by considering the realistic things in the enterprise;(2)to set up the pre-warning system of crisis management to prevent the possible from happening ; (3)to conduct a survey for enterprise crises; (4)to evaluate and judge crises; (5)to get ready for crises ;(6)to prevent,control and handle crises .In this section, to set up the pre-warning system of crisis management in manufacturing enterprises is the most important part. The paper uses AHP and ambiguous comprehensive evaluation to conduct a dynamic supervision of crises in manufacturing enterprises and testifies its scientifalness and operationality by enterprise demonstrative analysis.     

The importance and pressing sense for manufacturing enterprises to inplem