

日期:2019年02月27日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:1868
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201902271134577703 论文字数:30757 所属栏目:社会经济论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘 要
关键词: 哈尔滨市老年人;住房需求;住房消费行为;灰关联分析;统计
Nowadays, the ageing of many cities or countries is becoming more and more serious, and the problem of housing for the elderly is also becoming more and more important, not only to the elderly people's residence, and for the healthy development of society and harmonious stability of certain factors, the elderly people's housing and consumption behavior has important needs, so the need for government and real estate to provide relevant construction and policy research, so the market to put forward more benign development.
At present, the background of the aging population of a city, under the condition of the research background and the object, combining the relevant theory and the foundation, establishes the correlative model, and aiming at the statistic model, and according to the old people's housing demand, and the housing contradiction, makes the old age pension housing become a big problem.
In the context of the aging of a city, this paper combines the relevant model theory, the factors influencing the needs of the aged, and analyzes the consumption behavior and the influencing factors, and adopts the suggestion of the government and the real estate.
In this paper, the characteristics and development of the aged in a city, the consumer about housing theory, and mainly for the housing needs of a city's elderly population and the status quo, the establishment of relevant models and consumption behavior statistics. Among them, the model, the relevant influence theory is analyzed, and the aim and method of the management model are adopted. The main introduction of the related characteristics, as well as the consumer's impact on housing purchase factors and personal situation design questionnaire, consumers from 2004 to 2015 related to the purchase of data into the city, the housing needs of the elderly in an analysis. Consumers in the home purchase, their focus on the factors to summarize and conduct questionnaires. Make several assumptions. According to the statistical methods and analysis methods needed for statistics, the questionnaire data is run and analyzed, the correlation of different factors is investigated according to the data investigation and the understanding of credibility, and the results and distributions of the data are clarified, and the relevant opinions are given to the government and the developer for the aged housing.
Keywords:Elderly;Housing demand;Housing consumption behavior;Grey relational analysis;Statistics
目    录
摘 要 I
目    录 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究与背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 城市住宅需求相关研究 2
1.2.2 老龄化对住宅需求影响的相关研究 3
1.2.3 居民住房消费行为的相关研究 4
1.3 研究目标与内容 6
1.3.1老龄化进程中城市住宅需求变化的理论机理研究 6
1.3.2老龄化进程中我国大城市住宅需求变化的实证分析 8
1.4 研究方法与技术路线 8
1.4.1 研究方法 8
1.4.2 技术路线 9
1.5 主要创新点 9
第二章 老龄化的特征及住房需求分析 10
2.1 概念界定 11
2.1.1 老龄化 11
2.1.2 住房与住房保障 11
2.2 城市老年人老龄化特征 13
2.2.1 生理老龄化 13
2.2.2 心理老龄化 14
2.2.3 社会老龄化 14
2.3 城市老年人居住需求分析 14
2.3.1 安全的需求 15
2.3.2 精神的需求 15
2.3.3 交往娱乐的需求 15
2.4 本章小结 15
第三章 老龄化住房需求及其消费行为的影响因素分析 15
3.1 建立住房需求响应因素的灰关联模型 16
3.1.1 影响因素选取 16
3.1.2 灰色关联分析的目的和方法 17
3.1.3 灰色关联分析的可行性 18
3.1.4 灰色关联分析的计算 18
3.2 住房市场消费者行为影响因素的模型建立 19
3.2.1 研究变量的确定及调查问卷的设计 19
3.2.2 老龄化住房行为的假设 20
3.2.3 数据收集 20
3.2.4 分析方法 20
3.3 本章小结 21
第四章 老龄化对居民住房消费行为形成机制的实证分析 21
4.1 某市老年人住房需求灰色关联分析 22
4.2 某市老年人住房消费行为分析 23
4.2.1 样本数据结构描述性统计分析 23
4.2.2 样本数据的信度分析 31
4.2.3 某市老年人消费行为影响因素的相关性分析 31
4.2.4 某