Bio-super foliar was applied by 31% of low income farmers and by 32% each of high income and of all sample farmers. About 50.5% of the sample respondents did not use BSF. About 32% of the sample farmers applied BSF at the rate of one bottle per acre while 17.5% utilized BSF at the rate of more than one bottle per acre. The average farm size of low income group was 4 acres with a range of 1 to 8 acres while it was 4.9 acres ranging from 1.5 to13 acres for high income group. For all sample farmers, it was 4.3 acres with a range of 1 to 13 acres.
Figure 2.5 Technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in terms of input-output space
This study attempted to measure not only the technical efficiency of sample soybean farmers in different regions and different income groups, but also the farm-specific resource use inefficiency on production function. The survey was conducted during May and June 2018. Cross sectional data were used to cover Taunggyi townships. Simple random sampling method was employed in selecting 200 households to analyze the technical efficiency.
Taunggyi were categorized into two income groups (34-low income farmers and 166-high income farmers. Gross margin analysis was used to compare the proficiency of soybean production with different townships and different income groups. Gross margin was lower in low income group than in high income group in Taunggyi because farmers of low income group applied less input in soybean production.
Yield per acre of soybean production was used as the dependent variable and seed rate used by farmers, human labor measured by man day, bio-super foliar application as dummy to the field, farm size, annual income earned by individual farmers and animal labor measured by animal day were utilized as independent variables for production frontier. Household's experience in soybean farming, dummy for education and extension contact, and age of farmers were explanatory variables associated with the technical inefficiency.
For all farmers, human labor employed, foliar application of bio-super (BSF) and the farm size were found to be negatively significant influence on yield of soybean. Thus inefficient use of human labor in different farming activities and ineffective application of BSF were observed. Large farm size was found to be no scale of economies. Annual income had a positively significant influence on yield of soybean. Seed rate and animal labor used were positively related to yield but not significant.