
二级议程设置研究:以 2019 年乌克兰总统选举为例

日期:2021年03月01日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:904
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202102180951292248 论文字数:26588 所属栏目:新闻学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1. Background and research topic

In our time of the 21st century, when the dissemination of news is not aproblem, the question of the manipulation of public opinion is becomingincreasingly common. How an issue is covered in the media, or the attributesemphasized, affects how the public thinks of that issue (Ghanem, 1997.)

Second level agenda setting recognizes that objects must have descriptors ifthey are to have any meaning to the public. Therefore, description is as importantas the object itself. Many people are very inspired, and this is what Media uses.

Scholars are still investigating the growing impact of political advertisingon modern presidential campaigns. As it was noted by Roberts and McCombs (1994),political advertising directly targets the public and serves as an unambiguousindicator of the issue agendas that candidates wish to make silent. JohnstonandKaid (2002) argued that ‘‘two of the most important functions (of advertising)are helping the candidate define or redefine his or her image and providing aforum where campaign issues can be explained or developed.’’

Nowadays, developed technologies and communications, everyone feels theinfluence of certain messages. But not so often a person can determine the extentof this influence.

This study is conducted to test second- level agenda-setting theory.

The topic of this study is “A Second-Level Agenda-Setting Study During 2019Ukraine Presidential Election”.


1.2. Significance of Research

This topic is interesting in that it includes an analysis of several typesof media and their influence on the public opinion. Nowadays, almost no one canimagine their life without the media. Social media is becoming more and morepopular too.

Therefore, in our time, each candidate is trying to use different types ofmedia to the maximum extent, i.e. actively use social media for "communication"with the population. The modern agenda is rather horizontal, not vertical. TheInternet gives a person the opportunity to select the media and news topicsindependently. This entails a certain fragmentation of the audience by interests,values, attitudes, in other words, a specific person, depending on his interests,connects to the agenda of a particular group, becoming practically beyond reachfor the media agenda.

One of the aim of this research is to understand how politicians communicatewith the audience and how the audience react to their acts.

Ukrainian politicians also use traditional media and new media for theirelection campaigns. In March 2019, there will be the 6thUkrainian presidentialelections.

Before each presidential election a preliminary survey is conducted amongthe population of Ukraine. The purpose of this survey is to find out for whomUkrainians are going to vote in the next presidential election. That was unusualthat the second place took a very famous Ukrainian showman Vladimir Zelensky (theowner of the entertainment program "Quatrate 95", he is also the producer ofseveral films and co-author of the popular comic series "Matchmakers".) The surveywas conducted at the end of January 2018, and only on February 2ndVladimirZelensky confirmed his candidacy for the presidency.



2.1. Ukrainian Journalism

Ukraine is considered as a young country. After the collapse of the SovietUnion in 1991, only 27 years have passed. Ukraine has gone through severalstages of the development of press freedom; it gradually got rid of theinfluence of Russia.

Hella Rottenberg acknowledges all the difficulties of country`s journalism:‘Ukrainian journalism made a complicated transformation: from Soviet toUkrainian media, from media under censorship to free speech and from state-sponsored to private media. It ha