
二级议程设置研究:以 2019 年乌克兰总统选举为例

日期:2021年03月01日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:904
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202102180951292248 论文字数:26588 所属栏目:新闻学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
s been a process with ups, and many, manydowns’.

After the Orange Revolution of 2004–2005, freedom of the press increased.But a new phenomenon appeared, like the "oligarchy state". At the moment, it isknown that many news portals in Ukraine belong to oligarchs and businessmen.Oligarchs who own the mass media not only manipulate the public opinionthemselves, with the help of the well-paid editors, but also allow manipulationby third parties. The media owners agree to do it, if oligarchs pay and if theexpected consequences do not contradict the oligarchs’ own interests.

Despite the challenging facts, the mass media are not leading the list ofmost corrupt institutions, which include such as political parties, parliament,courts and police. These institutions received a rating 4.2 based on the five-point system of assessment in Transparency International`s The Barometer ofGlobal Corruption (2006).


2.2. Printed media in Ukraine

As one of the part of this research id printed media, there is somehistorical background. Legislative regulation

The print media are regulated by a number of laws “On the Press ofUkraine”, “On Information”, “On State Support of the Media and SocialProtection of Journalists”. Until 2011, the registration of print media wascarried out by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, but since June 15, 2011 theCabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a new decree. According to thisdecree, the registration of associations of citizens, charities, non-governmental organizations, as well as print media and news agencies moved tothe newly created body - the State Registration Service.

The Law of Ukraine “On the Press of Ukraine” has been in force since1994 and has been recognized by international experts (in particular, the OSCEin 1998) as liberal in terms of regulating the rights of journalists, the grounds for relieving the editorial board from liability in the event ofdissemination of unfair information, and disclosure of information.

Fig. 4 Who knows about “Ze!President” channel


CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODS .................... 10

3.1. Research questions ....................... 10

3.2. Methods and research design ..................... 10

CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS ................................ 20

4.1. Questionnaire ..................... 20

4.2. Content analysis of newspapers ....................... 27


5.1. Conclusion ................. 35

5.2. Limitations and Suggestions for the Future Study ................... 36


4.1. Questionnaire

After coding all the responses from the survey to the SPSS program, thefollowing results were produced:

1: Gender. The following answers were received: from all the responders,51.5% of the respondents were men and 48.5% were women (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Gender of respondents



5.1. Conclusion

In this study, the Ukrainian people attitude toward Zelensky candidacy forthe post of president were examined using the Spearman correlation. By employingthe SPSS analysis, this study incorporated different types of media includingprinted newspapers, Youtube channel in the second-level agenda settingrelationship between population opinion toward Zelensky candidacy andnewspapers.

The results of the analysis demonstrate important findings that arediscussed in this chapter. This study shows the positive impact of Zelenskycandidacy on the public opinion.

The results of this study point to two distinct candidate agendas ofissues focusing a substantial part of his campaign on the Donbas war withRussia, on economic problems of Ukraine.

Clearly, Zelensky attempting to influence the media and publics’ issuesaliency using his own Youtube channel and his image of the series “Servant ofthe People”.

Zelensky, using the actual problems existing in Ukraine, that werediscussed on his YouTube channel, he persuaded the population of Ukraine to hisside.

In sum, overall, the results demonstrated significant relationshipsbetween the candidates’ a