The word infrastructure has been used in English since 1887 and in French since 1875, originally meaning ‘‘the installations that form the basis for any operation or system’’. The word was imported from French, where it means sub grads, the native material underneath a constructed pavement or railway.
In this recent, Asia developing countries have been increasingly interested in infrastructure policies and are aware of the costs of neglect in infrastructure (Rogoff 2006); and regional government movements to promote overall demand during the global financial crisis, which encouraged developers and planners to consider the ways to promote new infrastructure projects. For example, in China more than half of the $ 850 billion stimulus programs, which were announced in late 2008, are expected to be devoted to infrastructure. In addition, governments in India, Thailand, Indonesia and other developing countries have announced plans to increase spending on infrastructure projects in 2008 and early and early 2009.
2.2. How Government gains strategic Management by doing infrastructure
In the past, transportation was considered as a major factor in economic development, particularly the case for developing countries, where the transition from a fragmented transport system to even poorly developed networks is of paramount importance (Hilling, 1996 cited SACTRA, 1999; Owen, 1987). In this respect, the lack of well-developed transportation systems is a serious constraint to growth. Transportation is essential for economic growth in the early stages of economic development of the country’s economic development. Therefore investment in transport infrastructure and other improvements in transport (especially in relation to improved information and travel demand management) could have an impact on people's economic productivity and Industry sectors. However, in terms of economic development, productivity improvement may or may not lead to economic growth either at the regional or national level. In developed countries with alre