

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1556
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201004210916597380 论文字数:17773 所属栏目:工商管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
    摘 要:随着中国经济的高速发展,服务业的挖掘深度不断加大,企业竞争的加剧,促进了营销观念的提升。而培训市场中的竞争也逐渐从产品(课程)营销转向服务营销。由于培训服务中服务标准不一,导致服务质量高低不一,所以标准统一的培训服务规范的建立,对于稳定和提高服务质量有重大意义。
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of China's economy, the service sector continued to expend. Business competitions promote upgrading of the marketing concept. Consequently, the competitions in training market are gradually from product (curriculum) marketing to service marketing. www.51lunwen.orgThe present different standards of service, however, result in uneven quality of service, so it is significant to establish unified training standards for the stability and improvement of the quality of services.
Referring the relevant papers and research on document standardization, procedure, customer value, customer satisfaction and using SWOT analysis model of industry analysis, a feasible and standardized service model is proposed, which can lay the foundation of the norm-setting of EDP center. www.51lunwen.orgThis new service model is applicable to the characteristics, content and principle of the service industry and matches the situation of the EDP training system.
The last paragraph of this essay is combined with EDP project of College of Chongqing University. Regulation of the training services is not independent, but to be subject to a number of factors, such as, financial, environmental and other factors. Take Assets Supervision and Administration Project in Zhongshan City as an example, this essay will reveal those actual impact on regulated operation of the service.

目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
目录 III
1相关基础理论 1
1.1 标准与标准化相关理论 1
1.1.1标准语标准化相关理论 1
1.1.2服务标准化与培训服务标准化相关理论 1
1.2 流程 2
1.3 顾客价值理论 2
1.4 顾客满意度理论 3
2 EDP及经管学院EDP中心相关内容 5
2.1 EDP的相关内容 5
2.2 重庆大学经管学院EDP中心的现况分析 7
3现场服务相关内容 10
3.1 现场服务的特点 10
3.2 现场服务的原则 10
4 EDP服务标准化与流程设计 13
4.1 流程设计依据 13
4.1.1培训的服务价值 13
4.1.2培训顾客满意度 13
4.2 流程图的制定 13
4.2.1培训项目流程 14
4.2.2培训现场服务流程及标准 15
4.2.3培训现场服务主要内容 18
5现场服务流程运行的影响因素 23
6 结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26

参 考 文 献
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