All data collection sheets, transcripts and any other information regarding participants were stored in a locked file cabinet to maintain confidentiality. All audio interviews have also been password protected on my personal computer. Due to limited funding, no monetary incentives were used, but participants had the opportunity to review their interviews and will receive a copy of the study before it is published.
Summary of the Research Methods
This chapter reviewed the research design and methods used to understand the lived experiences of Black women who earned their Ph.D. in social work. It specifically looked at how phenomenology guided the framework of the study so that the lived experiences and individual truths of participants could be represented. This chapter also reviewed the process of recruitment based on the inclusion criteria, and the final sampling size and composition. The chapter discussed the use of qualitative research methods as a method appropriate to the subject and data being obtained, how the data was collected and analyzed was also examined. Finally, this chapter explored how credibility and trustworthiness were attained, and what the ethical considerations were in completing this study. The following chapter will present the study findings on the participants’ experiences regarding earning their Ph.D. in social work. from: