
英国谢菲尔德大学(University of Sheffield)硕士论文怎么写?

日期:2020年02月24日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4927
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002221521282728 论文字数:3763 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction

谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield)的建校可远溯到一八二八年,经一百多年的发展,现为世界百强大学,英国一流院校——六所“红砖大学”之一,隶属于罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)(类似于美国的常春藤联盟)。英国谢菲尔德大学近八年来QS世界大学排名始终保持在84位以内,2020年排在78,其在学术和科学研究方面有着很高的的国内外声誉,多位诺贝尔奖得主都出自该校,是最受国外欢迎的五所英国名校之一。




1、封面Title page

包括:学校全称,专业全称,学生名字,学号,老师名字,时间 ,标题,有些学校要求字数也要写。部分专业的封面格式,老师会给你。

2、目录Table of Contents



第一个介绍主要是写你这个Topic的背景和目的,然后介绍一下这个文章大概的结构,也就是会怎么写。大概写全文字数的10%左右。论文的目的,记得一定要写!也就是一定要写Aim, Objective, Purpose, Goal!为什么一定要写这个目的,因为如果开篇不写整篇文章的目的,那老师就根本不知道你整篇文章是在讨论什么。老师一般都会带着你的Purpose,然后再来读这篇文章。

4、主要论点Main Body

主体内容,就是文章的第二部分,这里的Main Body分两种:

第一,单独列出所有的文献综述,也就是Literature Review (LR);

第二,Literature Review嵌入文章里面,需要对应论证某观点的时候就直接拿出来。

如果单独写Literature Review(LR),那么Literature Review(LR)非常的重要,评分比重占全文的30%,字数也得相应占比重,国外的老师特别看重Literature Review,Reference。

写字数不是特别多的论文基本都是第二种方式,而毕业论文1万5的就要单独列Literature Review出来,在分析部分还要拿出LR,否则你的分析数据那些没有论据Evidence。

注意写论文一定要Critical, 也就是一定要辩证的写,不能单方面的写好,也不能全写不好,写好的地方,要写出谁谁也说过这是好的,写不好,也要写出谁谁说过不好,也就是依据。整个要全面的写,给出一个观点后,不能只写一面,还要加上生动形象的例子,当然这些例子也是要Reference的。


5、Conclusion and Recommendation



References的排列顺序记得按字母ABCDEFG…的顺序排列。哪个作者的姓氏首字母在前面,就排前面。书名都要斜体,每一个reference要与下一个reference空一行。如果是网站,网址一定要放上去,记得写上时间,哪年哪月登录的这个的网站。注意每个英国大学的Reference格式要求可能是不一样的,不过大多数英国大学都是使用Harvard reference style。



An Example Business Plan Template

Executive Summary

The executive summary of the business plan should summarise in such a way that the sections hang together all that has been included in the ensuing chapters. It should be a distillation of the plan itself – following the same order and pattern of the plan itself so that the reader may easily refer to a chapter for more detail if need be (Jenkin 2014). Depending on where the business currently stands – perhaps a start up or an established business looking to expand, the executive summary should highlight where the business is, where it needs to go, why it needs to go there, what it needs to get there and what can be expected to happen when the business does achieve its startup goals or expansion goals (SBA, 2015).

The Business

If the business is an established business, this section should detail the current position of the business. This should include the product mix offering, the customer segments or groups to which it is offered, the current financial position of the business, the current goals and objectives of the business (which should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-limited), the current strategy of the business (i.e. the competitive advantage of the business) and finally how it currently utilises its resources (Evans, 2010).

Where the business plan is for a start up – this section should set out what the goals and objectives of the business would be again making sure that they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-limited. Furthermore this chapter should summarise the proposed product mix to be offered and the proposed customer segment or groups to whom it would be offered. The product mix must be presented in terms of its benefit to the proposed customer segments (Evans, 2010).

Market Demand

This chapter essentially details the results of the market audit or market research that should be carried out. The result of the market research presents the platform in which the markets can be defined; that is divided into segments, the target market is identified and the product offering is positioned (Barnett, 1988).

The first step thus is researching the market and