Here below are some of Lu’s works.
What to write写什么
I will compare Lu’s work with traditional ones, to see the differences, how he made his way through conventional into modernism, the influence of Chinese and western culture reflected in his works. And compare with modern Chinese bookbinding design to see his influence on today’s designers. And also Lu’s works with western artists, those who influenced him and those got affected by Chinese culture (maybe like Beardsley and Tschichold).
Reaserch methods研究方法
The background of time and personal experiences of Lu Xun
The annalyse and comparison of Lu’s work and traditional ones
The annalyse and comparison of Lu’s work and modern ones
The annalyse and comparison of Lu’s work and western ones
This is just three big rough category I am thinking right now, once I learn more about them, there will be more specific detailed categories.
Time plan时间计划
I think I will start the major work in June, go back to China to gather more materials. From now to june, I will read more books or online sources I can find about them.
• Lu, X. Diary of A Mad Man, tranz. Lyell, W.A. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990.
• Davies, G. Lu Xun's Revolution. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013.
• Pollard, D.E. The True Story of Lu Xun. Hongkong: The Chinese University Press, 2002.
• Yang, Y.D. & Yang, N.The Last Twelve Years of Lu Xun and Art. Beijing: Cultural and Art Printing, 2007.
• Wang, X.R. Lu Xun’s World of Art. Nanjing: Jiangsu Cultural and Art Printing, 2009.
• Wang, X.R. &Qiao, L.H. Collector Lu Xun. Shanghai: Shanghai Cultural Printing, 2009.
• Sun, Y. The Catologue of Lu Xun’s Collection. Guangzhou: Huacheng Printing, 2008.
• Yang, Y.D. & Jiang, J. 400 Years of Chinese Bookbinding History. Beijing: Chinese Youth Printing, 2013.
• Zhao, J. Paradigm Revolution: The Beginning of Modern Chinese Bookbinding Design (1862-1937). Beijing: Peopl