
德国本科留学生thesis:跨文化对组织文化的影响The impact of intercultural on organizational cultures

日期:2018年01月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2113
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201709041533055220 论文字数:9878 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:德国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
and the point view of Trompenaars’s culture 
3.1 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
According to Hofstede’s theory, cultural differences are one of the main elements of the failure of intercultural communication and cross-cultural management. Hosfstede worked out the most famous theory called cultural dimensions theory. Cultural dimension theory is one of the most influential theories of cross-cultural theory. As his academic monograph ‘Culture’s Consequences’ was published in America, he became the founder of intercultural studies. When he worked at IBM, he made one of the largest survey researches on cultural values. His research object was the IBM company which was located in 72 countries around the world and had more than one hundred thousand employees in the three regions of the company. He collected more than 116,000 questioners from the IBM employees in 20 languages (Hosfstede, 2001). Due to the largest number of survey, all data collected twice in 1967 and 1973. Westwood considers that Hofstede’s theory is the standard of the study of cross-cultural environment management and organizational behavior (Westwood,1992). 
From the largest research of IBM employees and conclusion, he used 5 culture dimensions to measure the interculture. All the interculture belongs to these 5 dimensions. 
His five culture dimensions respectively are: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity and Long-term versus short-term orientation. (Mueller, 2008,page88)
3.1.1 Power Distance 
It is known by all that any society has all kinds of inequalities. Hofstede‘s power distance expresses how human can accept power inequality in society. Power distance index measures the power differences between people. Hofstede considers that this dimension concerns about the equality between people, and the way how the society solves this inequality between people. Among various kinds of groups, rights of inequality is inevitable in the society, the inequality always take the form of hierarchy. ”Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally”( Hofstede, 2010,page76) Societies have different ways to treat power inequalities, due to the differences in values. In large power distance societies, people accept the strong hierarchical structures. Hofstede in his book of Intercultural Communication shows that when power distance is large, members attach great importance to the mandatory power.(这句话我想表达的是在权利距离大的地方比较重视独裁制度,上级认为他们和下级是不同的,他们是高人一等的,当然下级也认为他们和上级是不一样的,他们是低等卑微的) Boss thinks that he is different from the subordinate, also the subordinate thinks that he is different from the boss. I do not understand what you would like to say here) Power distance is closely connected to the country’s political system and social structure. The following t