
什么是案例分析 Case Study

日期:2020年03月02日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2529
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002241230594751 论文字数:1290 所属栏目:留学生论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

按照学术上的定义,Case study是一种基于一定的环境因素下对特定对象个案进行的深入研究。在国外大学的同学们应该知道,老师安排布置的论文作业有很多类,case study就是常见的一种,而且也是非常重要的一种。具体来说,它即为分析论证现存有一定话题性、论述性以及相当有典型意义的个例,并最终形成富有逻辑性的分析案例。Case study虽然也有多种类别,其主旨要义主要还是围绕“提出问题-剖解问题-搞定问题”这一逻辑框架来开展,提出问题意思就是你发现了一个有意义的现存问题,并且具有典型性甚至争议性。然后接着就是利用平时学到的课内外知识去剖析这个现象,这其中要注意一定要理论论证充足,而这一过程也是比较难的,不是留学生在开展分析时都抓不住要领。最后就是去怎么解决搞定问题了,在这一步你可以提出你认为的优化解决方案或解决方式,而这一步也是老师重点关注。所以Case study整个写下来,老师重点不是要考察你提出的观点有多创新和前瞻,核心是你的分析过程、逻辑思路。

下面是一篇优秀的市场营销Case study分享,我们可以详细参考学习:

 case study怎么写

According to the internal and external environment, our company adjusts and coordinates the goal. Making integration between long-term and short-term is important at the beginning of an undertaking. Now, center on the basic objective of satisfaction profit is a way which aims to seek sustainable development.

Enterprise objective deion

There are many methods for enterprise objective. First is long-term and short-term. Second is whole and part. Third is marketing, sale, finance, production, human resources and research and development. We focus on finance and marketing. So, we choose build brand and cost reduction. Building brand aims to encourage employees and promote the development of our company. Besides, we will coordinate the employees and keep moving by hands to make sure normal activities efficiently within the company. Finally, occupy the mind of consumer,Making brand famous, making much money as possible, enlarge market to the city of Dalian, and enlarge market to the Nationwide. Maybe In 1 year, we build a brand in Neusoft –students. In 3 years, we occupy domestic market. In 5 years, we extend more product series.

Target market describe

The goal for our company is do it from small to large and from local to the nation as a new enterprise with new beverage. Based on the characteristics of consumer, we actually make the potential market into 2 parts. The first part is age which is under 18, between 18- 50 and above 50. The other part is age, consumer psychology and customer behavior.

Market segments table

We make our market focus on the second part which we talked in the part of target market describe. Fruit juice, carbonated beverage, dairy drinks, black tea, coffee and so on are our main products. These are suit for young people. Nutrition products are good for men and women who will get vitamin. Promotion is a way to affect the people related to purchasing power. Curiosity is unique in our company which will attract more people to know us.

Ensure the goal of marketing

Age has three parts, 18, 18-50 and 50. Consumer psychology pursues value for money which focuses on the price of production. Customer behavior seeks for innovation which means new things with more different styles.



Strength:our company is an advantage in packing. We try to design more curiosity styles within the company.

Weakness:less of new products and experience is a big challenge for us. Do more and work together is first step for us.

Opportunity: drinks are consumable, so we own a large of customers, besides drinks are also necessity goods.

Threaten: many famous brands and competitors have been popular in the beverage market. Building brand is hard for us to show our products. Although we are facing more challenge than before, we have the confidence and win the war of competition.

Series, pricing and packing

Our products have the following series: soda, sports beverage, dairy drinks, juice, tea and coffee, juice will be our main product. In the initial stage, we price the wow at 2-3 yuan. As to the packing, we want to use the Chinese horoscope, because it meets the tradition of Chinese people and arouses the interest of foreigners.


We have 3 schemes to promote our products. Firstly, you buy a bottle of wow and you will get another one if you are lucky enough. Secondly, we will advertise it on the internet or through the campus advertising. However, from our survey we found out that stars could not attract many of us, so we won’t choose stars spokesman. The last but not least, an