

日期:2020年03月08日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:13033
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202003012132074331 论文字数:13730 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction




1、选题应在我们所学的学科专业的范围之内。 首先最好问下导师意见和结合自己的兴趣,导师往往会从已有的研究基础出发来给出选题的指导意见,在已有研究基础上进行后续研究是比较省时省力的。一定不要自己自以为是的去盲目的选题,这样盲选的结果就是你到最后发现自己根本就没有办法写出你所选的题目。由于你对这个题目不够研究的深入就随随便便给自己下了一个大坑啊,这样的情况小编是见到很多的。最后就是在剩余不多的时间里去重新选题,导致在后面的日日熬夜伤身体。所以,小编在这样希望大家一定要跟导师沟通。


3、选题要有一定的现实性。所谓现实性,即你所选的题目要有现实意义。 确定选题,选题注意细致具体,不要模糊不清,不要大而空泛,不要面面俱到。就经验而言,选题越小,越容易做的严谨,也更加适合学生把握。选题必须从问题出发,即你选的题目,或是在理论上有几种不同观点、或理论与实际有偏差或距离,或在实际中有许多问题要研究、解决,你从中找到切入点,也就是说你的选题确实有问题值得研究,陈旧的、过时的,别人已经研究多少遍的东西,或已有定论,并成为方向性、目标性的问题,不要选,选题一定要有问题值得研究,一定要有新意。



Title: The Effects of Acupuncture on Hypertension: A Systematic Literature Review


Background: Hypertension is a significant problem in the UK: 12.5 million people, more than 1 in every 4 adults, are affected. The costs of medications to manage hypertension in the UK may be in excess of £1 billion per annum. Alternative approaches to managing hypertension are therefore important to consider. Acupuncture has been identified as one such approach.

Aims: The aim of this systematic review was to retrieve, critically analyse and synthesise the existing research literature to determine the effects of acupuncture on hypertension. The findings of the review were used to inform recommendations on the use of acupuncture for hypertension in clinical practice, and also recommendations for future research on the topic.

Methods: Systematic searches on electronic databases were undertaken. The searches focused on randomised controlled trials testing the effects of acupuncture on hypertension. From the 102 relevant studies identified in the searches, six trials were selected for inclusion.

Findings: The trials selected for inclusion in this review were inconclusive about whether acupuncture, in comparison to sham acupuncture, is effective at reducing blood pressure in people with hypertension. It was concluded that acupuncture may, but will not necessarily, have a positive effect on hypertension. It was also concluded that acupuncture is unlikely to cause harm to those who choose to use it. However, there were multiple significant limitations to the trials selected for inclusion in this review. Subsequently, these trials do not provide high-quality evidence to inform clinical practice in relation to the use of acupuncture for hypertension.

Conclusions: Nurses may recommend, provide education on and (where they are trained and qualified to do so) administer acupuncture to patients with hypertension who choose to use acupuncture. Nurses should ensure patients understand that although acupuncture may not have an effect on their hypertension, it is unlikely to cause them harm. Additional research on acupuncture for hypertension is essential to further informing evidence-based practice.




1.0 Introduction, Background and Rationale

1.1 Hypertension

1.2 Acupuncture

1.3 Aim of the Review

2.0 Methods

2.1 Research Question

2.2 Electronic Databases

2.3 Search Terms

2.4 Limiters and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

2.5 Summary of Study Selection

2.6 Data Extraction and Analysis

2.7 Quality Appraisal and Data Analysis

3.0 Findings and Critical Review

3.1 General Characteristics of the Selected Studies

3.1.1 Trial Location and Participants

3.1.2 Trial Definition of Hypertension

3.1.3 Trial Acupuncture Protocols

3.2 Findings – Effects of Acupuncture on Hypertension

3.2.1 Acupuncture IS Effective at Reducing Hypertension

3.2.2 Acupunctu