Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
This part takes the background information of this research as an introduction from four aspects.Firstly,the importance of reading learning is considered;secondly,the current situation ofreading instruction in universities is analyzed;finally,the paper illustrates the methods that canbe used to solve the difficulties in current reading teaching.
1.1.1 The importance of reading in English
Reading,as one of the basic skills in language learning,is a complicated,multidimensionalprocess and is another kind of interaction between reader,text,activity,and context(Brown,2017).It can be considered as a means of language acquisition or sharing of ideas andinformation.Research has shown that learning to how to read effectively and successfully andhow to improve reading comprehension performance is still taken into consideration as theresearch focus by researchers,educators and learners up to now(Karimi,&Alibakhshi,2014;Khezrlou,Ellis,&Sadeghi,2017;Brevik,2019;Kammerer,Keck,&Starauschek,2019).
It is a critical skill for learners who prepare to study,work and live in various contextsto read and comprehend the written information and informational text in English in a globalizedworld.Israeli(2017)indicated that reading comprehension was beneficial to actively participatein today’s rapidly changing global society.Therefore,the enhancement in readingcomprehension can be seen as the focus of English education(Hashim&Vongkulluksn,2018).Through reading,not only learners can reach enough amount of input needed for the output oflinguistic knowledge of English learning,but can expand learners’horizon by presenting variousarticle themes involved in different fields and culture.The same responses are given by someresearchers,for example,Coyle,Hood,and Marsh(2010)argued that reading comprehensioninvolved in learning the target language,learning about the target language,and learning throughthe target language.Meanwhile,Schoonen(2019)stated that reading performance was also affected by language users’knowledge resources,especially general encyclopedia knowledge,except for cognitive process concerned.The findings in one experiment that Beker,Broek andJolles(2019)conducted showed that readers activated and used prior reading informationconsciously and integrated the knowledge into current reading texts to aid reading process.Itshowed the positively interactional relationship between background information or humanisticknowledge and reading.Therefore,how to stimulate and improve learners’consciousness forintegrating prior knowledge or humanistic knowledge and learning more new content knowledgehas been the subject for the investigation in this paper.
1.2 The purpose of the research
Innovative mobile instruction has attracted much attention from learners and educators and isbelieved to provide new opportunities for learning(Hwang et al,2016).The mobile devices aremore commonly considered as learning tools by the learners due to the ease and convenience ofuse(Pimmer,Linxen,&Grohbiel,2012;Pulla,2017).Mobile learning provides the teachers anefficient teaching method to improve teaching quality.But that is not enough to create asuccessful English lesson.How to create a funny and active classroom atmosphere has been theultimate goal for most school teachers on the premise of guaranteeing the teaching quality.Traditional English teaching is too dull to realize the interaction,enhance engagement andincrease motivation.Therefore,the introduction of games elements into the lesson has become a priority for educators.
This paper explores the use of a web-based GSRS(a Game-based Student ResponseSystem)---Kahoot!in college English reading lesson depending on the wireless Internet andmobile devices.Kahoot!,is a student response system with game design,provides the stu