

日期:2023年05月03日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:650
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw202304272204574850 论文字数:55696 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
2012) conducted a series of studies of Shichahai(什刹海), a popular hutong tourism site, and compared the attitudes of residents and business operators towards the tourism environment of this district. It was found that, despite growing concern about intrusion into daily life and skepticism toward potential economic benefits from tourism, residents showed high tolerance for tourism. At the same time, business operators demonstrated positive attitudes toward tourism and high recognition of the hutong’s cultural and historical values as the fundamental attraction to tourists. Similarly, other studies are conducted to analyze the images of Beijing hutong through questionnaires and interviews to investigate the perceptions of tourists (e.g., Day, Shi, Cai, & Adler, 2015; Wang, Yan, Xiong, & Wu, 2012) and residents (e.g., Gu and Ryan, 2008; Zhang and Lu, 2016). Concerning the former, Day et al. (2015), for instance, noticed that tourist’s perceived “authenticity” of Nanluoguxiang (南锣鼓巷), a renowned hutong in Beijing, was contributed most by the external environment and architecture and influenced by demographic factors including age, education, gender, previous times visited and monthly income. 

2.2 Previous studies on rhematization

Rhematization (Irvine, 2004; Gal, 2005), also formerly known as iconization (Irvine & Gal, 2000), is a process through which an indexical sign is taken as iconic, that is, as formal likenesses of their objects. This is a process of simplifying the sign relationship, or “downshifting” (Parmentier, 1994, pp. 18-19) the relation of the sign with the object it refers to. Researchers have demonstrated the workings of iconization in a wide array of sociolinguistic settings. The concept of iconization has proven to be a valuable addition to the sociolinguistic and linguistic-anthropological toolbox (see, e.g., Androutsopoulos, 2010; Gal, 2013; Sebba, 2015; Woolard, 2008), and is applied to many types of research. For example, Ahmad’s (2008) research that addresses Hindu nationalists exploited certain features of the Urdu script to create social distinctions in the 19th century. The Urdu script and its users became associated with foreignness, deception, and treachery through iconization. Another important research is Zhang’ (2008), who, using evidence from literary works and metalinguistic commentaries, traces the iconization of a well-known feature of Beijing Mandarin. In her study, Zhang reveals how this feature is iconically linked to the “Beijing smooth operator” (a local character type in Beijing-flavor literature) and is interpreted as the reason for Beijingers’ smooth character and a gift of gab. In terms of how a particular phonological variant is related to a persona, Calder (2019) analyzes the interplay of visual presentation and acoustic dimensions of /s/ in constructing the fierce queen persona through rhematization. In this article the author argues that the iconic relation between /s/ and fierce femininity is constructed through the indexical congruence between the qualia “harshness” and feminine performance. However, seldom domestic research has studied semiotic processes. Gu Juan and Zhang Maizeng (2007) elaborate on the choice of styles and presentation of self-identity via the scope of Irvine and Gal’s semiotic processes, developing a new path for stylistic variation study. 

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework .....................15

3.1 Language ideology and ideological sites ........................ 15

3.2 Semiotic processes .............................. 17

Chapter Four Data Collection and Methodology ........................24

4.1 Data collection: Strange Stones ........................... 24

4.2 Methodological issues ............................... 26

Chapter Five Ideological Preparation .........................31

5.1 Presuppositions: Ideological frameworks ............................. 31

5.2 Axis of differentiation: inside/outside hutong axis ...................... 36
