2.2 Patronage
It has already become a common sense that translation activities are not merely limited on linguistic and textual level but extend to the outside: all the process of publication, promotion and even reception in the receiving country. It is like a long chain that if any changes, beneficial or not, occur to one of the links, it will definitely affect the final shape of the chain—whether it is broken (translation ends half-way) or the other way around (translation completed and even well recepted). And those who make such changes outside the literary system, be it a person or a party, can be called Patronage.
According to Lefevere’s explanation, any outside power that encourages or undermines works of literature can be counted as patronage, as for those who function and defend the parameters patronage set within the literary system are professionals, including translators, critics, and so on (Lefevere, 2010, p.14-15). Just like what is said above, if ideological force is a weapon, then the patrons must be the ones yielding, maintaining and reinforcing it via all kinds of channels like educational institutions, publishing houses, and other multi-media transmissions, among which publishers may stand out as the most direct power for they can decide what to publish. In this way, it is easy to understand, as Lefevere puts, patrons usually focus more on ideology, while professionals are more interested in poetics which cannot escape being influenced by ideology (ibid, p.15).
Chapter Three Comparisons between the Dissemination and Reception of Cao’s Two Translated Works.................................... 19
3.1 Introduction of Cao Wenxuan and His Works .............................. 19
3.1.1 Cao Wenxuan and His Views on Children’s Literature ........................ 19
3.1.2 Bronze and Sunflower and Cao Wenxuan’s Bilingual Works in Chinese and English ......................... 21
Chapter Four Reasons behind the Disparities in the Reception of Cao’s works in the Target Countries ........... 33
4.1 Ideological Factor ............................... 33
4.2 Patronage’s Influence ............................ 38
Chapter Four Reasons behind the Disparities in the Reception of Cao’s works in the Target Countries
4.1 Ideological Factor
By ideology, Lefevere means “a set of discourse which wrestles over interests which are relevant to maintenance or interrogation of power structures central to a whole form of social and historical life” (Gentzler, 2004, p.136). General speaking, ideology mirrors the systems of economics, politics, and society within a country and includes all kinds of aspects of life such as literature and art, religion, philosophy, etc. that occupy a crucial part in people’s behaviors and thoughts. In the case of literature, ideology can be chiefly divided into translators’ personal ideology and the mainstream social ideology that often function via patronage, the latter of which can be further classified into the ideology in the source culture and tha