
爱尔兰金融危机论文-The Irish financial crisis of figure 爱尔兰金融危机

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1958
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201201171332301670 论文字数:4121 所属栏目:金融危机论文
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爱尔兰金融危机论文-The Irish financial crisis of figure 爱尔兰金融危机

The anglo-irish bank is almost the Irish economy is a miniature of the ups and downs: xing, comes from real estate; Failure, also comes from real estate firms. At the same time, the destruction caused by the anglo-irish bank and the financial crisis is a social enough to Irish financial supervision system vulnerabilities. This reporter │ ZhangJianKang night, Dublin much krenz area north wall wharf(NorthWallQuay) A blaze of light, only the anglo-irish bank (A ngloIrishBank) new headquarters building is extremely lonely-eight stories of the building body is still just A framework, and to the side of the tower has stopped running four seats. "The anglo-irish bank of rotten tail the headquarters building of" silent witness Celtic tiger '(CelticTiger)... it is both Ireland and a poor and desperate off the unhappy history, and the symbol of the moment let a person remember the Irish huge real estate bubble, and Ireland are sliding into a country on the brink of bankruptcy, and with the bursting of the housing bubble, inseparable." On November 12, 2010 issue of the Canadian "around the world post comments.

Sean's Patrick murphy (SeanFitzPatrick) served as President of the anglo-irish bank for 20 years, after leaving office as President and the three years of the chairman of the board. When in 1986, he served as President of the anglo-irish bank, the anglo-irish bank but is a only eight employees of private investment Banks, but when he was in December 2008 and was forced to borrow the cheat because they leave the, the anglo-irish bank has is a business in Austria, England, Switzerland, the United States and the royal apanage the isle of international financial giants. "The anglo-irish bank ride 'Celtic tiger' dash away." The globe and mail have papers comments said. The anglo-irish bank the development track of the Irish economy and the rapid development of curve certainly showed a striking the synchronicity: 1995 ~ 2001, Ireland's economic growth of the first golden six years ", GDP growth rate as high as 6% ~ 11%; And it is from 1995 to, the anglo-irish bank into the high speed the expanding from 1995 to 2001, has acquired the trust bank, British royal Austria's joint of insurance company and loan business, Ireland, buck, Lyon, bank credit bank Austria, Ireland and phillips, branch of Paris bank, Germany margin of union bank loan business treasure and Geneva cook and west bank and he has ·, retail operations from Ireland quickly expanded to Austria, Britain, Germany and Switzerland. In 2002, because the network economic bubble lead to global economic recession, foot-and-mouth disease outbreak of Ireland to tourism and the agricultural depression, rising labor costs lead to capital flight, the rate of growth of the Irish economy suddenly slower; But this time, the anglo-irish bank also stopped the pace of expansion. The fourth quarter of 2003, along with the global economy picking up, the Irish economy rapidly toward recovery, the real estate industry is a potential of the blowout, become the main economy; And the anglo-irish bank, seize the opportunities of the real estate prosperity, stepped up the real estate developer and builders of lending dynamics, emerged as Ireland and one of Europe's most profitable bank. In 2005, bank deposit breakthrough 41 billion euros, realize the profit of 685 million euros, a 36% increase from the previous year. In 2007, net lending bank 67.1 billion euros ($), the first time exceeded the profit of 1 billion euros. But in 2008, after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, and the American economy is closely related, the Irish economy rapidly over it the second "gold six years". As the second "gold six years" pillar industry, the real estate industry naturally became the worst-hit areas. That rely on the real estate loans of the second leap the anglo-irish bank, after 2008 scandal and trouble. Until January 2009 was forced to accept governmen