

日期:2024年06月19日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:281
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202406041114217243 论文字数:52522 所属栏目:国际贸易论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
in a particular language,can boosthuman capital and probably increase micro income of individuals.The mechanismsfor this are:network externalities improving language proficiency,particularly in alingua franca,can increase income through network externalities,i.e.,the greater thenumber of speakers of the lingua franca,the greater the benefits;more precisely,thereinforcement effect via which individuals’language proficiency is self-reinforcedthrough“learning by doing”,further improving human capital;the complementarityeffect indicating that language skills are generally considered to include all fourcompetencies:listening,speaking,reading and writing,and there arecomplementarities between individual language skills that have a synergistic effect onearnings;and also the positive inter-generational externality effect whose statementhighlights individuals’capability of strengthening the language skills of the nextgeneration through intergenerational effects,that is,parental mastery and proficiencyin a common language paves the way for their successors when it comes toenvironmental learning mode.Su(2020a)summarizes the theoretical logic oflanguage poverty alleviation in terms of the multiple attributes of language:competence characterizes human capital,industrial dividends,and institutions(society).

Chapter Three Current Situation of Openness and Language Policies—The Unified Relationship Between Foreign Languages and Regional Dialects ...................................... 29

3.1 Historical Development and Fruitful Achievements ....................... 29

3.2 Contemporary Issues or Potential Risks .............. 30

Chapter Four Empirical Analysis of the Relational Mechanism of Dialectal Elements ......................... 36

4.1 Variables, Data and Samples ...................... 36

4.1.1 Data Sources, Sample Collection, Cleaning and Selection ....... 36

4.1.2 Variable Indicators .......................... 37

Chapter Five Concluding Remarks and Recommendations ..................... 88

5.1 Major Findings and Conclusions ........................ 88

5.2 Countermeasures, Policies and Strategies ........................... 90

Chapter Four Empirical Analysis of the Relational Mechanismof Dialectal Elements

4.1 Variables,Data and Samples

4.1.1 Data Sources,Sample Collection,Cleaning and Selection

Variable selection and description is explained.China City Statistical Yearbook,along with China Statistical Yearbook is principally used;missing data are filled inthrough various statistical annual reports and corresponding city yearbooks-ordatabases but with same units.The data used in this paper are from the open economicdata and dialectal data of 257 prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2019.Thedata for prefecture-level cities are from the China City Statistical Yearbook and theChina Regional Economic Statistical Yearbook.It should be noted that the data onforeign trade of prefecture-level cities in China come from the China RegionalEconomic Statistical Yearbook.Data on the total import and export trade ofprefecture-level municipalities and the respective ratios to GDP,containing both rawdata and specific process results.Total import/export trade is derived from provincialstatistical yearbooks,individual prefecture-level city statistical bulletins and someprefecture-level city government work reports.Since the data on foreign trade ofprefecture-level cities in China were only unified and made public after 2005,Icombined,compared and integrated them from many channels;the administrativedivisions in China tend to be stable with subtle adjustments are reflected.The reasonfor choosing prefecture-level cities instead of provincial level data is that theadministrative division of dialect areas in China does not exactly match the provincialadministrative division,and if the provincial level is used as the research object,itwill result in the same dialect area being divided by different provinces.Referencesbelow are to be discussed.


Chapter Five Concluding Re