
帮写俄罗斯本科毕业论文-公共建筑工程public buildings

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201201130948327178 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1677
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201201190849472907 论文字数:12450 所属栏目:公共建筑工程论文
论文地区:东欧 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

帮写俄罗斯本科毕业论文-公共建筑工程public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc

Public buildings include office building (including office buildings, government office, etc.), commercial building (like market, financial architecture, etc), tourism building (such as hotels, restaurants, entertainment, etc), the science-education-culture-health buildings (including culture, education, scientific research, medical treatment, health, sports building etc), communication construction (such as telecommunications, communication, radio housing) and transportation kind of architecture (such as the airport, station buildings, Bridges, etc.). Public buildings and residential building is civil construction. Civil and industrial buildings called the building public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc . At present is still not clear definition residence belonging public buildings or residential public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc building. The civil building design general rules "2.0.3 defined in public building public building for people to public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc perform a variety of public activities of architecture. The function of public buildings the function of public building problems include the following several main aspects: space structure, functional partition, stream of organization and evacuation and of the space measure, shape and physical environment public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc (quantity, form and quality). One prominent key is building the use of space nature and streamline activities problems. 


(1) public buildings the space of the use of a public building character and type despite the different, can be divided into main use part, secondary use parts (or says auxiliary partial) and transport links of three parts. Design should seize the first of three of the relationship of public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc permutation and combination, one by one to solve various contradictions in order to achieve the reasonable and perfect function relations. In the three parts of the form relationships, traffic contact arrangement of space often play a key role. Traffic contact part can generally be divided into: level, perpendicular traffic public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc and transportation hub traffic three basic space form. 1) level traffic space decorate a point: should be  straightforward, and the winding, and each part is closely related to the space, appropriate good daylighting and lighting. For example aisle. 2) vertical transport space decorate a point: the position and number according to the function need and fire requirement and decide, should be public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc close to transport hub, decorate uniform and a primary and secondary, and people adapt to use the number. 3) the traffic hub space use convenient, space appropriately, reasonable structure, decorate proper, economic and effective. Consideration should be given to both use function space and creating artistic conception. In public architecture design, consider the distributed and direction of flow, the transition of the space conversion and corridor, stair space  public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgcconvergence, need to arrange hallway, lobby, and other forms of space, a transport hub and space transition role. Vestibular entrances part of the design, mainly based on the public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc requirements of the two aspects: one is the use of the requirements, and the second is the treatment of space requirements. public buildings-BA thesis ggjzgc

 (2) public buildings the functional partition function division is the concept of space, according to the different function requirement classification, and according to the relation between them to combine closely degree, division, Functional partition principle is: the division clearly, contact convenient, and according to the Lord, time, inside, outside, make, static relationship reasonable arrangement, make its each i