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n, a Beijing-based product manager for Microsoft. “Now they want them on every desk.” <BR>And in every home. Every rich promise you’ve ever heard about digital technology sounds even more beguiling in China. The country has 350 million children to educate—what better vehicle than interactive television? The Finance Ministry needs to establish bank and savings accounts for china’s 284 million workers—what more effective solution han smart cards? Agricultural planners dream of more productive Chinese farms—how better to send weather and agro-science information to 323 million farmers than over the Web?<BR>To tap these benefits, China has embarked on a series of nine “golden projects” that will shotgun state-of-the–art technology into every field from health care to finance. By 2010 hundreds of millions of Chinese will <A href="http://www.51lunwen.org">www.51lunwen.org</A> be wired to the Golden Bridge financial network, carrying Golden Card smart cards and automatically forking over a chunk of their salaries to the government via a microchip-enabled Golden Tax. Says Bryan Nelson, Microsoft’s commanding general in the region: “China is going to be the ultimate proof of all that the Internet can do. And the amazing thing is, the Chinese seem to understand that. Better than some people in the West, actually.” <BR>At a recent dinner in Beijing, Jim Jarrett, Intel’s president for china, sat next to an eighty something woman whose 80-plus husband is a senior Chinese official. “She told me the first thing her husband does every morning is start up his computer and sign onto the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times,” he says. “That’s his window on the world.”<BR>The window is still small—only 300,000 Chinese have access to the Internet, vs. some 25 million in the U.S.—but it is opening quickly. Officials at China’s Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications say they hope to have 4 million Chinese connected by the year 2000. At the same time, access to the outside world from China has quadrupled this year.<BR>China would become one big, self-contained Internet—what techies like to call an intranet — sealed off from the rest of the world. Says a Hong Kong engineer who has worked with China on high-level information policy for two decades: “The Chinese worry about the Net. Will it just be an inundation of Western content , or will it reflect Chinese culture? China has every right to find a balance between local and foreign content.”<BR>That’s a balance the most nimble Chinese gymnast would find tough to maintain. The Net, after all, is designed to be open. And if the idea of the Web is to make Chinese firms more competitive, that means letting them have access to every