
英国essay范文参考:Challenges to Car Rental Company

日期:2023年09月20日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:476
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202309201156216028 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
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that customers still have their own car. In addition, if customers are young people, joined the ECC is an easy way to find the independence and freedom on the road, the customer group to pay 6 pounds a year.
Customer who owned the car but do not use it. More and more members of the ECC have sold their cars after using the company’s services. For them, the ECC is a cheaper alternative and still create a sense of freedom and comfort.
The family needed a second car in a few cases. If a family has owned a car but in some extraordinary cases, they need to a second car to the other specific job, using ECC services is a viable alternative use while investing a new car is too expensive, but you do not use it often. Also, not only it cut owning multiple cars but also environmental protection.
4.2.2/ Business user 商务用户
Focus on business segment is the core strategy of the ECC, that business group includes:专注于业务部门是ECC的核心战略,该业务组包括
Travel planner, housing association or property developer.旅行规划师、住房协会或房地产开发商。
Tourist caravans and other tourist organizers.旅游大篷车和其他旅游组织者。
Local authorities.地方当局。
5/ Demographic analysis 人口统计分析
The number of international students worldwide is increasing in recent years. According to UNESCO data, the number of students has increased 7 times in nearly 35 years, from 500 thousand in 1945 has increased to 3 million 500 thousand in 2009.
According to data of the British Council, UK is the 2nd favorite destination of international students (BBC, 2011). Currently there are 340 thousand students are enrolled in programs affiliated with the universities in the UK and more than 500 thousand students are studying full time. (HESA, 2015)
From the data above, it can be seen that students are a very potential market for Car club companies, especially the number foreign students is more and more increasing. In this demographic analysis will focus on two cities as Oxford and Coventry, where the focus of a lot of students.
5.1/ Coventry 考文垂
Coventry sketchmap (source: NOMIS)
Coventry is divided into 18 districts, located in the West Midlands and having the large number of students are studying in the city. 2 largest universities are the University of Warwick city have23 thousand students and Coventry university have 25 thousand students.
According to data from NOMIS, St Michael is the most potential ward for locate the office of ECC, where the number of students has more than 6 times the district average. Also, Sherbourne and Whoberley respectively are 2nd and 3rd among the most promising ward.
Currently, there is not obvious significant competitor in Coventry, with the exception of peer to peer services like Drivejoy and Easycarclub, but only a very small market share. ECC has a lot of opportunities in the city when focused on the potential students segment.
5.2/ Oxford 牛津
Oxford sketchmap (source: NOMIS)