step: In this step the customer can log in, choose the company’s 950 vehicles is available and choose when the start / end of service. Customers can order online through the app on Android or iOS (£4.95 Hourly, £39.95 daily).
3rd step: customers should remember member code is written on the windshield or use the app in smartphone to be able to unlock the car. The cost will be calculated in miles during each reservation (21 pence per mile).
4th step: Customers pay the car in original place where service begin, keep membership card and lock the door, service will end.
3.2/ The comparison between car club and car rental 汽车俱乐部与汽车租赁的比较
Difference between Car club and Car rental through the following points:汽车俱乐部和租车之间的区别在于以下几点
Car clubs are not restricted by working hours 汽车俱乐部不受工作时间限制
Booking services, take the car and pay the car is the self-service 预订服务,取车付车是自助服务
Vehicles are rented by the hour, by the minute, by date or by mileage 车辆按小时、按分钟、按日期或按里程出租
The user is a member and approved to drive by the company supply the services 用户是会员,由公司提供服务并批准驾驶
Vehicles are allocated in the service sector and usually placed at locations close to public transport.车辆分配在服务部门,通常放置在靠近公共交通的位置。
State only to pay a minimum insurance (car insurance and injury insurance) 政府只支付最低保险(汽车保险和伤害保险)
Rental vehicles are not served cleaning or filling the fuel by the company, but some companies are changing this, such as Zipcar regularly clean and refill their fuel their fleet.该公司不为租赁车辆提供清洁或加油服务,但一些公司正在改变这一点,例如Zipcar定期为其车队清洁和加油。
Shaheen, Susan; Sperling, Daniel; Wagner, Conrad (Summer 1998). “Carsharing in Europe and North America: Past, Present, and Future” (PDF). Transportation Quarterly. pp. 35-52. Archived from the original (PDF) on 21 October 2013. Retrieved 6 February 2016.
IV/ Customer profile 客户档案
4.1/ Car club general 汽车俱乐部概述
Source: Carplus annual survey
According to the picture, on average, each car club company in England and Scotland owns 34 members, about 16% of them being a member of the company has decided to sell their vehicle. Thereby leading to just a vehicle owned by a company car club could remove 5.4 privately owned vehicles.
Source: Carplus annual survey
Overall, we can easily see that the age group 35 to 44 accounted for more than 30% average total number of members of car clubs. It is followed by the group of 30 to 34, ranging from 22% to 24%, but quite surprisingly only 8% of them have a license. Student age group is from 21 to 24 now account for only a low percentage (5%-6%), but certainly in the future if the company car club use reasonable policies may attract more new potential members from this age group.
Additionally the development of the car club is also reflected by the numbers below:此外,汽车俱乐部的发展也反映在以下数字上
9 is the average number of times using the services by each member in 2015/2016 compared to 8.2 in 2012/2013.9是2015/2016年每个会员使用服务的平均次数,而2012/2013年为8.2次。
6.9 is the average number of hours that customers using the service compared to 6.7 hours in the year 2012/2013.6.9是客户使用该服务的平均小时数,而2012/2013年为6.7小时。
37.1 is the average number of miles per once times using services of 2015/2016, down slightly from the 37.8 miles of 2012/2013.37.1是2015/2016年使用服务的平均英里数,比2012/2013年的37.8英里略有下降。
(Carplus Annual Survey, 2016)
4.2/ Car club commercial 汽车俱乐部商业
4.2.1/ Private user 私人用户
The people for various reasons, cannot own a private car. This group of customers often do not use cars regularly so they will not spend money to own a car. If the customer needs only to move under 8000 miles per year, the ECC services is a cost saving solution which still feels