

日期:2018年05月21日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1955
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201609022009321486 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

However over the last few decades, developing countries have seen some major changes in their defining characteristics. Amongst these, a significant one has been that of relaxation of the capital constraint. Aided by a rising savings rate and increased supply of foreign funds has ensured that the capital resources have been showing an upward trend. Alongside this, the assumption of the existence of excess labor has not been holding ground in most of the developing countries. Many of them are now faced with a shortage of skilled labor and this has come up as a major development problem. Another very important development that has taken place over the years in developing countries, especially in the rapidly growing economies in Asia such as China and India, is that of growing scarcity of land, especially the land required for non agricultural usage. The number of land related disputes has been rising in India over the years despite the fact that the country has a vast geographical area. The prime reason for this is that the land required for non agricultural purposes has to meet certain desired conditions. For instance, in the case of land required for housing and real estate purposes, it is usually desirable to have it in regions contiguous to the already existing cities and towns. This is so because the existing urban centers happen to have more developed infrastructure as compared to far off areas, and the labor available around the cities is more familiar and exposed to the process of urbanization. The second instance of requirement of land for non agricultural purposes can be that for the development of infrastructure like roads, railways, electricity projects, dams etc. Finally, the requirement may be that of land for the purpose of mining and this has necessarily to be located in regions which are well endowed with the same, with there being little freedom to decide upon the location of projects.

What the above discussion implies is that although India seems to be having land in abundance, the land which is 'appropriate' to be used for non agricultural purposes is limited, and thus, we have now reached a situation where land has got segmented into agricultural land, non agricultural land (towns, offices etc) and the land that is currently in possession of the agricultural sector but which the expanding non agricultural activities are seeking to take control over. Most of the third category land belongs to farmers and tribal populations. It happens to be the only source of livelihood and economic security for them. Given the lack of generation of adequate employment opportunities, the farmers are unwilling to part with these lands and this has created a situation of conflict which we have been witnessing recently.

Such a requirement of land for non agricultural uses existed during the earlier years too, particularly in the post independence period when we started setting up the heavy industries. But during those years, the pressure on agricultural lands was low and there were not too many protests. Also, until the nineties, land acquisition did not face too many protests because that period saw the state adopting expansionary fiscal policies, and adequate rural infrastructure development spending implied that growth was much more broad based. Although then also we had the problems of tribal displacement and lack of complete rehabilitation, on the whole, those displaced were more or less able to find jobs as paid labor in the manufacturing sector. Land w