a public company and its objectives are following:这是一家上市公司,其目标如下
“To carry on any activity of business as general commercial company.“作为一般商业公司开展任何业务活动。
To provide services of all descriptions.提供各种服务。
To lend money and granter provide credit and financial accommodation to any person and to deposit money with any person.向任何人提供贷款和赠款,并向任何人存款。
To invest money of the company in any investment and to hold, sell or otherwise deal with investments or currencies or investments or other financial assets.将公司资金投资于任何投资,并持有、出售或以其他方式处理投资或货币、投资或其他金融资产。
To enter into any arrangements with any Govt. Or authority, or person and to obtain from Govt. Authority or person any legislation, orders, rights, privileges, franchisees or concessions.与任何政府或当局或个人签订任何协议,并从政府或个人处获得任何立法、命令、权利、特权、特许经营权或特许权。
To borrow and raise money and accept money on deposit and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation in any manner. Etc.”借款和筹集资金,接受存款,以任何方式担保或履行任何债务或义务。等等。”
( Thomas Cook 2009 C)
Consequences of recession:经济衰退的后果
Wessels (2000) found causes or consequences of recession are different according to different people. But mainly recession occurs when genuine output falls for two repeated quarters. Recession can happen because the production falls down by its potential level or may be the prospective level decreases. He found that Monetary Economists believe that the large supply of money falls down suddenly, which is a biggest reason for recession. Naturally, economy is fully employed but because of money shortage people start saving and do not spend in the market which results in decrease level of spending and leads to low production. Singh et al ( 2009) “Technically recession means, of a country for two consecutive quarters”. In financial dictionary recession is deep slow down in the country’s economy
The impact of recession on UK’s travel and Tourism industry:经济衰退对英国旅游业的影响
Independent wrote (2008) that recession was proving not very bad for UK’s travel industry because more people in UK are taking short breaks to local destinations. This gave comparatively good edge to the local tourism market.
BBC (b) (Nov. 2009) quoted global travel and tourism manager Caroline Bremner, “2009 was a challenging year for the travel and tourism industry, we predict that 2010 will be much better but at the same time recovery will be slow.”
BBC援引全球旅游业经理Caroline Bremner的话说:“2009年对旅游业来说是充满挑战的一年,我们预计2010年会好得多,但同时复苏也会缓慢。”
World Travel Market report(a)(2009) says, the travel industry has been hit badly by the recession and is still struggling to overcome this difficult situation. People are still losing jobs and shortage of credit bringing the tourism industry to its knees. Up to 8% Global competitors are expected to leave the travel market, 16% hotels and 14% airline business is going down. Global travel revenues fell by approximately 40 % during the recession.
New strategy of the travel industry because of crisis:危机带来的旅游业新战略
According to WTM (b)(2009) the dramatic changes in the environment have made the travel industry to offer huge discounts. In 2009 the prices of holiday packages were 20-30 % lower as compared to 2008. Marriot and Starwood special promotional discounts ranged up to 50 % in 2009. There is new market is being searched and given name “FUNEMPLOYED”. Funemployed are those people who have lost their jobs and are cash poor but time rich. To offer huge discounts to these people mean making them thinking ” now or never”. Up to 15 % promotional offers to unemployed people on holiday packages. Etc. With all to this the expectations of travel industry for the next few yea