Term Paper写作参考-战略管理重要性的实施。本文是一篇留学生学期论文Term Paper写作参考。主要内容是讲述如今一个组织想要取得成功,他们应该考虑实现预期目标的各个方面,以及如何评估和避免困难,以支持制定成功的战略。战略在大多数组织中都非常重要,今天做出的任何决定都可能对未来的结果产生积极或消极的影响。Mintzberg、Ahlstrand和Lampel讨论了战略规划的各种方法,他们确定了十种不同的思想流派。本文将重点研究三所学校,包括设计、规划和定位学校。此外,我将通过特别关注这一理论的总体、关键问题和假设来澄清其他学派的一些观点。下面就来看一下这篇Term Paper写作参考的具体内容。
On the word of Mintzberg, Ahlstrand, and Lampel (2009), they suggest that there are a lot of influential factors affect strategy. The schools will help organization to evaluate their macro and micro dynamics of a company. Three schools of thought which is design, planning and positioning schools of thought are prescriptive in nature. Those schools discuss how a strategy should be formulated. Accordingly, organization based on current situation and its environment to identify directions actions. The next six schools are concerned with a specific aspect of strategy formation rather than strategic implementation such as entrepreneurial, cognitive, learning, power, cultural, and environmental. It may be characterized as descriptive, emergent and subjective. Last but not least, the configuration school integrates the different elements of strategy formation from all the previous schools mentioned.
According to the design school, the value of this strategy formation is establishing a fit between an organization’s strengths and weakness and its internal potential and external possibilities. This school also considers the role played by managerial values and social responsibility as important in the process of strategy making (Shekhar, 2009). The leader has a responsibility for a strategy formation. Besides, the strategy should be individualized, simple and explicit. On the word of Mintzberg’s framework, a strategy formulated must be consistency between its goals and policies.
In the case of IBM Company, after reporting a net loss of US$16 billion from 1991-1993, Louis Gerstner becomes a new CEO (1993-2002), he saw that IBM urgently needed a new strategy to recovery a profit. New leadership does bring new strategies for a company. By spending several months reviewing the situation and talking with IBM customers, he wanted to develop a customer driven strategy, focus on the need of customers, integrated technology solution in one company and build a new organization culture. Finally the results of IBM’s new strategy have been successful.
以IBM公司为例,在报告1991-1993年净亏损160亿美元后,Louis Gerstner成为新的首席执行官(1993-2002年),他看到IBM迫切需要一个新的战略来恢复利润。新的领导层确实为公司带来了新的战略。通过花几个月的时间回顾情况并与IBM客户交谈,他希望制定客户驱动的战略,关注客户的需求,将技术解决方案集成到一家公司,并建立一种新的组织文化。最后,IBM的新战略取得了成功。
On the other hand, the strategy must be adaptive to the changes in the environment of organization, maintain competitive and should be feasible. The model places primary emphasis on the appraisals of the external situations such as economic, technology or political that affect an organization and internal situations. Based on