HRM paper写作格式-薪酬模式中的四个政策问题是什么?本文是一篇留学生人力资源管理专业paper写作格式,主要内容是讲述在薪酬模式中,有四种政策用于确定向员工支付组织薪酬,如内部一致性、外部竞争力、员工贡献和薪酬体系,但两种最重要的薪酬模式政策是内部一致性和外部竞争力。这是因为在内部协调中,工作和技能如何与实现组织目标的重要性相关。另一方面,我们还研究了其他方法的薪酬模型,即外部竞争力,它表示与竞争对手的薪酬比较。不仅涉及基本工资或工资,还涉及组织应使用何种支付方式来支付员工工资,如与我们用于与其他组织竞争的薪酬组合相比,这些竞争对手使用的基本工资、激励措施、股票、福利,以保持比竞争对手薪酬方案更有竞争力。下面就一起来看一下这篇HRM paper写作格式范文的具体内容。
Compensation also related directly influence key outcomes like job satisfaction, attraction, retention, performance, flexibility, cooperation, skill acquisition and so forth. However, its influence may also be indirect by facilitating or constraining the effectiveness of other human resource activities (Gerhart and Milkovich, 1991). Compensation is only one part of the policies and programs organizations use to manage employee relations. Decisions regarding employment security, development and training, career opportunities, employee assistance programs are important to decide before proceed what method and how it can be done in compensating employee (Milkovich and Broderick, 1989).
In this paper not the only definition of external competitive and internal alignment are discussed but also why these elements are important to the organization to stay competitive and retain high qualified employee with skills and knowledge need by organization to focus on to achieve goals and objective of the organization that operates around the world that has been studied by many researchers before. We also see why external competitive element plays so many roles in determining the success of the organization rather than internal alignment in the organization.
Definition of internal alignment and external competitiveness 内部一致性和外部竞争力的定义
Internal alignment or internal equity is refers to comparisons among jobs or skill levels inside a single organisations (Milkovich and Newman, 2008). Jobs and people’s skills are compared in terms of their relative contributions to the organisations’ business objectives. In Internal alignment also focus on why pay relationships that motivating employees to choose increased training and greater responsibility in dealing with customers, internal pay relationships indirectly affect the capabilities of the workforce and hence the efficiency of the entire organization. This also agree by report Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Report, 2008) that defines internal alignment is the set of commitments, strategies, policies, procedures, systems and behaviours that support integrated customer decision making based on suppliers’ commercial and ethical commitment and performance. This is translated into practice by the basic techniques of reward management, job analysis, job evaluation, and performance appraisal. The focus is on comparing jobs and individuals in terms of their rel