
HRM paper写作格式:What are the Four Policy Issues in the Pay Model?

日期:2024年01月10日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1161
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202401101006503400 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
c labour market surveys. This information is then used to construct a pay structure within the organization rather than internal alignment which more in structure of pay in based only knowledge, skills and ability that certain individual had to offer within a single organization. So that why in determining pay structure and compensation method must have external competitiveness to focus and to maintain competitive to another organization. There are several reasons why external competitiveness important rather than internal alignment like following below;
Reduce negative perception of employee towards organization.减少员工对组织的负面看法。
Pay only’what be supposed to the organization should be paid towards workers.“只给工资”组织应该向工人支付的工资。
Get better view what the other organization does to compensate the workers to make workers motivate and minimized turnover among them.更好地了解其他组织为补偿员工所做的工作,以激励员工并最大限度地减少员工流动。
Internal alignment is very completed process and hard to implement in organization.内部调整是一个非常完整的过程,很难在组织中实施。
External competitiveness is more strategic rather than internal alignment.外部竞争力更具战略性,而非内部一致性。
Reduce negative perception of employee towards organization.减少员工对组织的负面看法。
While employees’ negative feelings concerning internal pay equity might be removed by an effective job evaluation scheme, employees will still compare their pay with those in other organizations and industries (Bratton and Gold, 2001). It so is better having combined internal and external to the same to fulfil employee needs and reduce turnover at the same time. These as well agreed by (Milkovich and Broderick, 1989) which choices about the competitive position besides communicating to both prospective and incumbent employees. Savvy employees, for example, can discern the organization’s ability and willingness to recognize their needs based on the flexibility and tax protection offered in benefit plans or the opportunity to share in the organization success through stock- and performance-based plans.
Even that not all internal alignment structure can be a success one like in General Electric Co.’s in 1980’s plastics division adopted an exempt pay structure with only four levels: executive, director, leadership, and technical and professional. Managers believe that it provides greater flexibility to move employees without requiring pay changes. It also communicates to employees a relatively egalitarian philosophy about the value (base pay) of different skill groups. However, to be successful, the increased flexibility must be managed effectively. Inconsistencies within levels can result in anarchy and quickly will lead to employee dissatisfaction and distrust (Milkovich and Broderick, 1989).
According to Spence (1973) which has studied case of sales jobs, if there is not a large incentive component in which individual effort is important, and one or more of the following three consequences is likely to happen:
The right people will not be attracted,合适的人不会被吸引,
They are attracted, but leave when they discover that their efforts are under rewarded,他们被吸引了,但当他们发现自己的努力没有得到足够的回报时,他们就离开了,
The right people are attracted and retained, but because they are not rewarded for high performance, their performance declines.合适的人会被吸引和留住,但因为他们的高绩效得不到奖励,他们的绩效就会下降。
Rynes (1987) also supported of Spence (1973) idea that “compensation systems are capable of attractin