
HRM paper写作格式:What are the Four Policy Issues in the Pay Model?

日期:2024年01月10日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1075
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202401101006503400 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
Which employers are included?包括哪些雇主?
Which jobs are included?包括哪些工作?
Which jobs are considered similar enough to use in benchmarking?哪些工作被认为足够相似,可以用于基准测试?
If multiple surveys are used (fairly typical), how are the multiple rates of pay weighted and combined? Practice in these areas seems to vary across (and probably within) employers.
If not following what Rynes and Milkovich (1986) has been done which make the organization make pay level that is too low relative to these competitors could lead to difficulties in attracting and retaining sufficient numbers of quality employees. As such, labour market competition can be seen as placing a lower bound or floor on pay level (Milkovich & Newman, 1990). As the importance of a particular comparison increases, so too should the resources devoted to information and measurement. For example, if product market comparisons are critical, more resources need to be devoted to measuring compensation (or better, unit labor costs) paid by such organizations. In contrast, if labor market comparisons are important, it is necessary to devote resources to find out to which organizations applicants and employees are being lost (Gerhart and Milkovich, 1991).
Internal alignment is very completed process and hard to implement in organization.内部调整是一个非常完整的过程,很难在组织中实施。
Internal alignment is very completed process and hard to implement in the organization even thought validity of conclusions reached through the survey process may depend critically on how the competition is defined, for example, what organizations are chosen for inclusion, little evidence exists on how such choices are made or their implications. Rather, most attention has been focused on potential problems in the job evaluation process, especially in the context of pay equity or comparable worth discussions. Nevertheless, as Schwab (1980) has pointed out, job evaluation is usually “validated” against some measure of the market rate, meaning that the measure of the pay system is critical. In this manner, many organizations today focus on external competitiveness which is more reliable than internal alignment for determining the compensation scheme for an employee. This has agreed by Lawler (1986) has argued that organizations need to focus greater attention on external competitiveness He believes that an internal focus encourages employees to compare themselves with others within the organization, rather than focusing on the really competition-other organizations. He also suggests that an internal focus result in employees focusing on promotions rather than on performing well on their current job. Moreover, there is some belief that conflicts between external and internal equity may be resolved by increasing the pay of all jobs, not just those were competing in the labour market requires higher pay. Whether true or not, such as organizations would seem to be at a serious labour cost disadvantage in the product market.
External competitiveness is more strategic rather than internal alignment.外部竞争力更具战略性,而非内部一致性。
The strategic portfolio model suggests that the notion of compensation system ‘fit’ may be a messy construct to be done. Generally, strategy refers to the overarching, long-term directions of an organization