
HRM paper写作格式:What are the Four Policy Issues in the Pay Model?

日期:2024年01月10日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1161
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202401101006503400 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
g (or repelling) the right kinds of people because they communicate so much about an organization’s philosophy, values, and practices”. Milkovich & Bloom (1998) also finds that compensation systems must support organizational goals, foster corporate culture, and help motivate employees to contribute their efforts to further organizational success.
Pay only’what be supposed to the organization should be paid towards workers.“只给工资”组织应该向工人支付的工资。
The fact that value to the employee may differ from cost to an employer suggests that, in some cases, fewer costly total compensation packages may actually provide total inducements that are of greater value to employees than those associated with more expensive packages if internal alignment is used for determining paid and compensation for an employee who work for the organization. In many costly benefit options might be the most expensive its value to employees might fall short of the value attached to a compensation package of benefits that is better tailored to employee needs or values. In another study, in which 2000 manufacturing firms were classified into growth, mature, or declining stages, Anderson and Zeithaml (1984) reported that the firms’ competitiveness (pay level relative to competitors) was greater in each progressive stage. They also reported that the higher relative pay in mature firms adversely affected their return on investment. However, growth firms with higher pay levels relative to competitors’ reported increased market share of these companies.
Therefore, measurement of own and competitors’ pay levels would ideally include the value to employees of different elements of total compensation. Like study of Gerhart and Milkovich (1991) in Bank of America has eliminated retiree health care coverage for all new hires suggests that organizations believe that different groups of employees (for this, new hires) may differ in the value attached to particular aspects of compensation.
Get better view what the other organization does to compensate the workers to make workers motivate and minimized turnover among them.
In world of the organization which has paid the works to work not only related in external market without seeing what actually other organization are doing to survive and maintain efficiency of current in the organization. Many organization today organizations do not compete solely in the product market but more refer to market for labour. The classical economics literature suggests that product market and labour market competition may provide relatively little discretion on the part of employers in choosing a pay level (Gerhart & Milkovich, 1990).
Ford, for example, competes for engineers, lawyers, and human resource managers not only with other automotive companies, but also with companies in the computer, aerospace, electronics, and other industries. Fay (1989) also recognizes that organizations are attempted to gather information about pay practices of competitors through the use of pay surveys. As Rynes and Milkovich (1986) found out, administrative decisions are required about a range of issues including when compensate workers: