
HRM Paper写作范文参考:A Critical Analysis of Amazon’s Approach to People Management

日期:2023年12月09日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:768
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202312091126286216 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
yees, overtime, and crazy pursuit of high performance.
4. Conclusions and recommendations 结论和建议
In conclusion, Amazon’s approach to people management has both strengths and drawbacks. The company implements effective SHRM practices and standardized recruitment and selection process with a focus on P-O fit. Therefore, Amazon has established its brand as an innovative and efficient company that always pursues to create more social value. It also attracts many creative talents who have a firm belief in Amazon’s culture. The company also implements a cost-effective reward management system to attract and retain talents, especially with abundant welfare and stock ownership. However, Amazon’s performance management is too harsh. The company always pushes employees to work more with excessively high requirements. As a result, many employees are unsatisfied with the highly pressured working environment and fail to balance their work and life. Amazon’s extreme pursue of high performance has led to a relatively high turnover, which inevitably damages the company’s reputation and increases human cost. Paradoxically, Amazon claims to be a company of pioneers, but it did not offer proper treatment to pioneers, the most important asset for competitive advantage.
It is suggested that Amazon should adjust its performance and reward management system to reduce unfairness, stress, and unreasonable internal competitiveness. For example, Amazon should improve its supporting network to help employees balance work and life more effectively. Instead of rigidly pushing high performance, Amazon should understand real needs of employees, so as to adopt proper spiritual incentives to motivate enthusiasm and innovation. Amazon should create a more favorable working environment to employees to avoid overexploitation and high turnover. In all, Amazon’s HRM should be more people-oriented rather than performance-centered.
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