
HRM Paper写作范文参考:A Critical Analysis of Amazon’s Approach to People Management

日期:2023年12月09日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:768
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202312091126286216 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper
ompany for two years or more, so as to reduce costs and retain talents with a high involvement in the organization. Amazon implements a comprehensive performance management system. There is no specific team performance evaluation, because it is determined by the performance of team leader (Matthews et al., 2018). The company organizes a simple mid-year assessment in each September, and conducts year-end review from December to next April (Bussin, 2016). Meanwhile, decisions about salary adjustment and promotion mostly occur at the end of each year. Performance assessment requires staff to offer self-evaluation and peer review based on the 14 leadership principles, so the workload is very heavy. Also, the company encourages employees to inform against each other, while the management can receive instant feedback. Before the 2016 reform, Amazon even ranked employees’ performance and dismissed those who performed most poorly(Kantor & Streitfeld, 2015). 
Performance management is widely seen as a connection between individual contributions and organizational targets. Performance management can be divided into a harder performance improvement approach and a softer motivational and developmental approach (Houldsworth, 2004; Tuytens & Devos, 2012). In the case of Amazon, the harder approach of performance improvement is applied, because the company imposes much stress on staff through transparent peer review. Meanwhile, unlike typical American internet enterprises, Amazon is more of a traditional organization. Traditional performance assessment systems offer a standardized process to review employee performance (Houldsworth, 2014). The systems in Amazon are designed centrally by HR functions and require line manager to appraise staff performance within a set of performance review meetings or reports. In addition, performance-related pay is adopted by many organizations, including Amazon. Based on McGregor’s Two-Factor Theory, employees’ reward perception can be divided into internal (e.g. work-life balance, development opportunities) and external (e.g. salary level, working environment) (Pilbeam & Corbridge, 2010). In Amazon, human resource value consists of two parts. One is labour reward or traditional salary, and the other part is capital reward or RSU. When maintaining a competitive basic salary, Amazon also implements employee stock ownership, which realizes a close combination between individual goals and organizational goals.
Existing concepts and theories can effectively explain Amazon’s performance and reward management. In order to attract and retain talents, Amazon shares its profits with each employee. This can be explained by the Two Factor Theory. Besides that, Amazon’s performance appraisal mechanism shows that the organization is traditional and strict in performance management. Scholars found that, performance-based pay is controversial, because it can lead to pressured working environments, internal competitiveness, and unfairness (Marchington & Grugulis, 2000). This might be true in Amazon, because the organization was criticized as bringing excessive pressure on managers and employees with the transparent peer-review, relentless criticism to emplo