MBA管理学系列之采购管理paper writing写作参考-采购流程。本文是一篇MBA采购管理方向paper写作范文,主要内容是解释采购是指获得或购买任何服务和商品的行为。该流程从需求的准备和处理以及付款的最终接收和批准开始。它包括采购计划、供应商研究和选择、价值分析、价格谈判、采购。在本篇paper中,根据作者的项目,公司启动了一个新的项目,即自助结账系统,即必须从海外购买的自助结账机器。所以必须决定这些机器在哪里好买。下面就一起来看一下这篇MBA paper写作格式范文的具体内容。
Procurement is an act obtaining or buying any service and goods. This process start from preparation and processing of a demand as well as the end receipt and approval of payment. Its including purchase planning, supplier research and selection, value analysis, price negotiation, making the purchase,
In the introduction, according to my project our company start the new project which is the self-checkout system the machines of self-checkout which we have to buy from the overseas. So we have to decide where the machines are good to buy. (procurement,n.d)
2.0 Procurement Management Approach 采购管理方法
In the Procurement management approach, incremental, and phased approach to management, including project activities there are a number of approaches.
The methodology employed, despite careful consideration of the overall project objectives, time, and cost, as well as the roles and responsibilities of all participants and stakeholders.
In this project the project management approach is first we saw the suppliers of the self-checkout service than we approach to the all the suppliers and request him to send us his proposals. After analyzing the all proposal see the additional features and warranties and guaranties of all the products. As well as discuss with the management decided the which one the offer the installation cheap and faster than the others. The suppliers are from the Korea and china.
3.0 Type of Contract to be Used 拟使用的合同类型
The purpose of contract to be used is in terms of contracts and purchasing department can proceed to be used is described. Under firm fixed-price contract for the project will be requested to all goods and services procured. The project team worked with the Department of contracts and purchasing of items, quantity, and services will have to define the required delivery dates.
In this project, we select the fixed price contract and processing department work with the this contract. As per contract the supplier agree with our terms and conditions like delivery time quantities, the quality of the product must be good, and install the product on time not delay two week after arriving the product.
4.0 Procurement Risks 采购风险
Procurement risk is the potential for failures of a procurement process designed to purchase services, products or resources. Common types of procurement risk include fraud, cost, quality and delivery risks. In many cases, procurement risks are also compliance risks as purchasing practices are typically government by anti-corruption laws.
All procurement activities carry some potential for risk which must be managed to ensure project success. In our project, all risks will be managed in accordance with the project’s risk management plan, there are specific risks which are may be occur in the which pertain specifically to procurement which must be considered:
Unrealistic schedule and cost expectations for supplier 供应商不切实际的时间表和成本预期
The capacity of the Manufacturing of supplier 供应商的制造能力
the current contracts and supplier relationships 当前的合同和供应商关系
delays in shipping and impacts on cost and schedule to install the products. 运输延误以及对产品安装成本和进度的影响。
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