se and ultimately the disposal of the waste remaining from their purchase. The main outcome of this stage is the reduction in any uncertainty the consumer had about the product prior to their purchase (Solomon et al. 2010)
Consumer decision making models 消费者决策模型
Models of consumer decision making have been developed to satisfy the objectives of describing and predicting consumer behaviour, to gain a better understanding of both customers and potential customers. Per Chisnall (1995) a consumer behaviour model is the simplification of complex variables, which helps to explain a large system by showing only the essential elements, and cannot be considered as anything other than a rough breakdown of a complex system. Therefore, a consumer decision making model represents a theoretical construction of circumstances that are thought to be significant in influencing the outcome of the purchasing process.
已经开发了消费者决策模型,以满足描述和预测消费者行为的目标,从而更好地了解客户和潜在客户。Per Chisnall消费者行为模型是复杂变量的简化,它通过只显示基本元素来帮助解释一个大系统,不能被视为复杂系统的粗略分解。因此,消费者决策模型代表了环境的理论构建,这些环境被认为对影响购买过程的结果具有重要意义。
The Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model Engel-Blackwell Miniard模型
For this paper, only the Engel-Blackwell-Minirad model (EBM) will be described in detail, which was developed from the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) model (Chisnall, 1995). As shown in the model consumers generally go through seven stages when making decisions; need recognition, search for information, pre-purchase evaluation of alternatives, purchase, consumption, post-consumption evaluation, and divestment.
在本文中,将仅详细描述Engel-Blackwell Minirad模型(EBM),该模型是由Engel-Kollat-Blackwell模型发展而来的。如模型所示,消费者在做出决策时通常会经历七个阶段;需求识别、信息搜索、购买前备选方案评估、购买、消费、消费后评估和撤资。
Stage 1: Need recognition 第一阶段:需要认可
Entry into the model starts with need recognition, which is triggered when the consumer recognises a problem or need (e.g. hunger) or responds to stimuli input, individual or environmental variables. Consumers are exposed to a variety of different stimuli, whether they be marketing stimuli (advertising, store display) or non-marketing (friends, family). Because of these stimulus, the consumer is provided with information on the product and will enter the decision-making process (Blackwell, Miniard and Engel, 2006).
Stage 2: Information search 第二阶段:信息搜索
After an individual, has acknowledged a need they will begin to process information provided by stimuli into meaningful information and begin to search for any additional information on products that may satiate their need. The level information search will vary depending on the severity of the problem or need, and the requirements that must be met. For example; simpler problems may be solved with information searches being conducted solely through internal searches of past experiences (Chisnall, 1995). As the consumer is exposed to information through their external searches, they must then process the information. In this model information is believed to pass through five stages of processing before use and storage,
Exposure 暴露
This occurs when the consumer is exposed to marketing stimuli. Once this exposure has begun, the consumer’s senses are activated and this is when the processing begins.
Attention 关注
After exposure, the next stage in the process is the decision whether to allocate information processing capacity to the incoming information. Whether the consumer will pay attention depends on how relevant the message and the content. It is generally at this stage that consumers ignore commercial persuasion.