ond largest contributor of foreign exchange earnings to the country after the manufacturing sector. (WTTC, 2010)
Problem Statements 问题陈述
The problem is economy will bring many positive and negative impacts to tourism in Malaysia. When year 1997 and 2007, global economic crisis were happening, it affects all the industry, tourism also affected by it. During the crisis, everyone will faced financial problem therefore there are less people willing to travel, so that it will affect the tourist arrival in Malaysia. Due to financial crisis, in 1998 tourist arrival in Malaysia only has 5.8 million. The tourism industry will affected by the economic problem, once the economic conditions was bad, many tourism industry like hotel, travel agency and restaurant, they will cut cost for example, cut down manpower, some of the hotel and travel agency's private bus or car driver, tour leader and staff for cost saving, therefore in that financial crisis years many people losing their job.
After the financial crisis in 1997, tourism Malaysia trying to increase the tourist arrival and receipts, therefore, in 1999 the financial condition in Asia are growing slowly, Malaysia tourism board come out one campaign "Malaysia Truly Asia", is promote Malaysia to the world and attract more foreign tourists and encourage local people travel within Malaysia, promote inbound tourism and domestic tourism.
In 2001, September 11terroism attacks issue was happen in America, there are less Europe tourists come to Asia country travel and do investment, on that period Malaysia economic will affect by that reason. Terrorism picks tourism as their target because tourism is one of the main resources from income and it has generated relationship which leads to political, social and economical issues.
Nowadays, because of this financial crisis tourism has dropped with many foreign tourists are cutting their spending, and for business tourism, in order to cost cutting policies and have to reduced corporate travels to overseas to having their meeting, they using internet video conferencing and telephone conferences. Those small travel agencies company have feel to the decline in reservation and bookings, they need to cut down their manpower, if they haven't to do so, the company will bankrupt or facing many debts they owing. Same with the hotels with low occupancies, they will ask their staff to work for lesser hours and will reduce their wages.
Tourism plays an important role in Malaysia's economic. The effects of global economic crisis reaches many countries that are can't imagine. Only when the global economy gains strength and gets the financial more stable it will have a better future for tourism industry in Malaysia.
Research Objectives 研究目的
1. To understand the positive and negative impacts of economic towards tourism in Malaysia.
2. Analyze how economic affect the tourism industry.
3. Understanding the tourist behaviour in spending during the travelling period.
4. To evaluate the economic impacts of changes in tourism demand.
5. To understand the development of economic on tourism in Malaysia.
6. Analyze how important that the economic for tourism industry.
7. To evaluate the economic impacts of changes in tourism supply.
1.4 Research