

日期:2018年03月22日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1702
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201610141651302078 论文字数:4287 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis



棕榈油也称为Elaeis guineensis。 棕榈油来自纸浆,它可以从非洲棕榈中找到。 它有很多的棕榈油的用途,例如食用油,肥皂,蜡烛,化妆品和巧克力。 棕榈油的颜色通常是红色的,这是因为棕榈油的含量(引起的)。 红色的内容与两种类型的胡萝卜素,β-胡萝卜素和β-胡萝卜素有关。 α-胡萝卜素含量与30毫克每100克,β-胡萝卜素含量与30毫克与维生素E.通常β-胡萝卜素已经删除,并成为一种苍白的油。 三种含量的淡油,饱和植物脂肪,单饱和,最后一种是多不饱和的。 除此之外,除了红色的棕榈油,还有黄白色的颜色,也被称为棕榈仁油。 它可以用来制作人造黄油和化妆品。

1.1.2 Palm Oil History

Palm oil has been found in West African countries. This palm oil is good to make cooking oil. The uses of palm oil that been introduced by West African and has attracted the European merchants to make an international trade between this two country in order to purchased palm oil. Ashanti Empire or Ashanti Confederacy plants a large amount of oil palm trees, while the King of Kingdom of Dahomey forbid whoever person from cutting the palm oil trees.
This uses of palm oil have been attracted the Britain's Industrial. And the value of palm oil increased because of the demand from British Traders. Besides that, palm oil also can make soap, for example, Sunlight Soap and the Palmolive brand. A country such as Ghana and Nigeria becomes a primary export from West African but in year 1880 this export of palm oil was overtaken by cocoa.

1.1.3 Research of palm oil in Malaysia.

Research and development (R&D) began to expand the oil palm breeding in 1960s. This activities implemented after the establishing the Malaysia's Department of Agriculture. The government also provided a college to train society how to plant palm oil. For example, the government established Kolej Serdang and now become Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM). This university encouraged the graduates' student to conduct research related to the palm oil. Malaysia. In year 1979, government established Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM). This institute support from UPM and B.C Sekhar as a founder and chairperson also support Porim to be a coordinated institution. Porim also giving the opportunities to society especially the scientist to do R&D related to the uses of palm oil. In year 2000, Porim changed to Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). Nowadays MPOB become well known at the international country.

1.1.4 Bright future of palm oil in Malaysia

Few years ago, the income from palm oil production has become the big contribution to Malaysia's Economy. Because of the income gain from palm oil, many palm oil companies can give the employee bonuses every year. Besides that, oil palm shareholders also get the benefit of selling the palm oil. Industry of palm oil said that, the price of palm oil will maintain every year depends on the economic condition.
Because of production of palm oil has contributed to Malaysia's economy, the changes of palm oil prices in Malaysia always published in newspapers. It is good for rural area, because rural areas are the biggest hectares in palm oil plantation.
As we know, price of palm oil influenced by the production of palm oil, import and export, and then global economic condition. If the global economic become more slowdown, it will the major fact that the importer will less confident to the production of the palm oil in our country.
If the prices of palm oil decrease, we can replant back the palm and reducing supply. This can help the prices of palm oil increase back. Besides that, nowadays, many new developments in technologies also can increases the production of palm oil.

1.2 Problem Statement

Price of palm oil always fluctuated depends 4 factors. The 4 factors are production of palm oil, export of palm oil, consumption of palm oil, and land area in plantation of palm oil. The problem of this research is difficult to seek the data in internet. To find this data, we must find it at statistic department besides of UMS.

1.3 Research objective

This research has an objective that to find a factor that influence the price of palm oil in Malaysian palm oil market. After find the factor, we must find the relationship between this four factors to the prices of palm oil. to find this relationship, we must test it