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Case Study写作参考:Analysis of Global Corporate Strategies: Honda Case Study

日期:2022年12月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1146
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212122318494838 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
In my opinion, both of the model has its pros and cons. Therefore, the best thing to do is to integrate both of them. For example, a firm should implement horizontal management style to allow more communication but individual for responsible so that employees will have the motivation to work hard to climb up the corporate ladder which will create value for the firm. For production and logistics, both large lot production and small lot production can be integrated so that no wastage of time if some of the parts are not supplied on time. When comes to labor relations, the firm should also uses both hire and fire and job for life. Hire and fire for those bad workers and job for life for those who is good and loyal. Therefore, no single management style is suitable for all kind of business. The important thing is to customize the theories to the type that best fits the business.
在Case Study的作者看来,这两种模式都有其优点和缺点。因此,最好的做法是将两者结合起来。例如,一家公司应该实施横向管理风格,以允许更多的沟通,但个人负责,这样员工就有动力努力工作,向公司的阶梯攀登,从而为公司创造价值。对于生产和物流,大批量生产和小批量生产都可以集成,因此如果某些零件不能按时供应,就不会浪费时间。在劳资关系方面,公司还应终身雇佣、解雇和工作。雇佣和解雇那些坏工人,终身雇佣那些善良和忠诚的工人。因此,没有一种单一的管理风格适合所有类型的业务。重要的是将理论定制为最适合业务的类型。本站提供各国各专业Case Study写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。