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Case Study写作参考:Analysis of Global Corporate Strategies: Honda Case Study

日期:2022年12月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1146
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212122318494838 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
elease by vehicles into our environment. In order to do that, it will require R&D, and that will automatically require a lot of funds to be invested in. To recap on the above phase of ‘what is the way used by the firm to make money’, the way used by the firm to make money in this case is environmental friendly by investing in R&D so that the engine will release lesser pollutant to be more environmental friendly. In addition to that, for those loyal and skillful staff, the company should send them for training in Head Quarters for their carrier advancement. That will at first cost funds from the company but once they are back from training, their productivity and skill will be improve and in other words will transfer into profit for the company. As for the non-financial areas, those companies which put weight on CSR will have a better reputation among the end user. For example, Honda organizes a one day activity for all his staff to help clean up the city or organize tour to visit old folks home and orphanage. As an end user, I will have a feeling that even though Honda’s final objective is to make money but it did have the consideration to give it services back to the society.
B) Compare and contrast Japanese and Western strategic leadership model by reference to Table 5 in the Honda case study. Explain which of the two model you prefer, and why?
There are 2 different kinds of management models in the Honda case study. Let us now compare the 2 models and later part decides on which model is more suitable for today’s business. Let us compare the two models by the category. In Western management system, the work process model shows that its employees are categorized in the are those employee who just do their daily job but do not have a thought of how to improve on their job and they poses no skill to do their job. The Japanese on the other hand will have workers that are the thinking type and are multi-tasking. The production organization and logistics in the western management model will produce large lot production and just in case logistics and uses the push system; where as the Japanese will only have small lot production and just in time logistics and uses pull system. In the organization, westerners practice vertical type of management, fragmented duties and individually responsible for the action they have done. Japanese on the other hand practice horizontal type of management, broad duties and the group will be responsible even if the actions are cause by individual doings. As for the labor relations, the westerners will be more on job control focus, cross-company unions and hire and fire. Unlike the westerners, the Japanese emphasize on employment condition focus, enterprise unions and job for life. In the industry organization set up, western management model separates firms and have a distant inter-firm relations. The Japanese on the other hand believe in Keiretsu families and close inter-firm relations. 
Overall, the western management model is based on mass, standardized and fordist; where as the Japanese is lean, flexible and post-fordist.