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日期:2018年10月24日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1834
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201605041120596935 论文字数:7653 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

1.0 Introduction介绍


Since the 1960s, with the gradual formation of a new international division of labor, growth of multinational corporations and revolutionary advances in the information and communication technologies, the process of globalization accelerates greatly. Economic globalization has a significant impact on urban development, so that cities play an increasingly important role in the global economy. A number of cosmopolitan cities with supranational influential and the roles of command and control in the global economy emerge, such as: New York, London, Tokyo and so on. Scholars such as Sassen (1991) studied on these cities and proposed theory relating to global cities. In the study of global cities, Robinson as the representative pointed out that the theory of global cities neglects locality issues, it emphasizes communality of cities, which far exceeds the research on urban qualities and ignores research on differences in the originally historical backgrounds, geographical locations and cultural systems among the cities, he went to propose and the theory of ordinary city, which is different from the “global city” theory. The two kinds of theories have different interpretation on urban politics, development, relationship between cities. This essay will be based on these two kinds of different theories to analyze the characteristics of urban politics, management, planning of Melbourne.

2.0 Theoretical framework理论框架

2.1 The “global city” theory

Sassen’s (1996) “global city” theory believes that the key driver of global cities’ development in the world economy lies in their concentrated excellent infrastructure and services, so that they have the ability to control the world. Sassen also conducted a lot of empirical analysis on New York, London, Tokyo, noting that three major cities are truly global cities. They are in the top of the pyramid of the world's urban system, constituting a clear new urban form - global cities. These three cities control the operation of the world's global economic system.
Sassen (1991) considered that a global city is the site which is able to provide multinational corporations with a good service and communication facilities for the global economy operations and management, multinational headquarters gather there. A global city has the following four basic characteristics. Firstly, it is the highly centralized control center of the world economy. Secondly, it should be the main site of financial and special services industries. Thirdly, it should be production site leading industries. Fourthly, it should be a market for products and innovation. 
Sassen (1996; 1991) carried out a systematic study on producer services complex of global city, considering that finance and production service sectors have become the new important factors that determine whether a city has strong competitive strength in the global economy. Taylor, Catalano and Gane (2002) also noted that development of service function of a global city will further grow up because of the rapid growth of global trade and investment as well as strong demand for financial and service industries. 

Sassen (1999) analyzed that globalization of economic activity has greatly increased the complexity of business transactions, along with the concentration of the most advanced communications technologies in these cities, enterprise command and control functions also agglomerate in these cities. Motive power of formation of a global city comes from the combination of two powerful economic forces, first is that manufacturing-based economic activities continued to spread in the worl