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How to analyse a case study(Case study 的写作技巧)

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1966
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201205251507468605 论文字数:2541 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
d doing market research in order to increase the company’s knowledge of final consumers.

§  Outline who should take the action, when the actions should be taken and how those actions will occur. For example, you might suggest that the sales managers need to provide feedback about consumer responses to the managing director by the end of the financial year through a formal meeting mechanisms.

§  List the implications of the preferred course of action, considering both negative and positive implications. For example, you might state that extensive market research would involve a considerable divestment of funds but would allow for more accurate targeting of consumer groups.

§  List any implementation issues which might arise: e.g. ‘allocation of resources’; ‘management resistance’ and then explain how these issues should be dealt with (Paull 1998).

Don’t forget that in order to develop a strong answer you will need to support your discussion with theories and data gathered from your research.


Write up the assignment

Before you start writing your first draft, re-read the assignment instructions in the Course Information to check the required format for the written analysis. For example, if you need to write a report, you must include the appropriate elements of the report writing format.

§  Group together all the relevant information you have noted from your readings under the headings in your plan and use this to outline the sections of your report. For example you may have some of the following headings: context of the case; problems and issues; analysis tool; findings; discussion; possible solutions; advantages and disadvantages; recommendations.

§  Make sure that your information is logically-sequenced, that your arguments can be clearly understood and that all your recommendations are linked to your discussion.

§  Check that your writing is properly referenced, don’t forget to proof-read your assignment and be prepared to write several drafts before submitting a final copy.

§  Check that you have adequately answered the question posed and addressed all the issues identified in the case study.

Remember that there are often several approaches to solving problems and there may be more than one possible answer. Analysing case studies helps you to solve problems and apply the theory you have learnt from courses to a practical situation and these skills will be useful in your future career. (由留学生论文帮写中心帮写留学生论文专家解析提供指导)