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帮写case study之Assessment item 1- Group case study Assignment-assessment

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011041017385627 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1612
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201202071035312353 论文字数:1421 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
intangible compare with the requirements of the relevant accounting standards? Discuss the Accounting policies relating to Intangible Assets.

Leases and Audit Report

• What are the values of the leased assets and liabilities? What information is disclosed in the notes to the accounts in relation to leased assets and liabilities?
• What is the name of the company’s independent auditors? What type of opinion did the independent auditors issue on the financial statements of this company (unqualified, qualified, adverse, or disclaimer)? What does this opinion mean?

3. Due date of submission of assignment
 Due date of submission of assignment for all students is Monday  6th of September 2010 .No extension will be granted to any group of students.










Assessment item 1- Group case study Assignment –Marks Allocation Sheet

Assignment Topics Marks Allocated
Executive Summary
Description and explanation of company’s core business and details of its different activities and or business segments.
Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in.  For example, is it a growing or declining industry, which are the main competitors and what are they doing, etc.  Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors. 
How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources? Discuss the composition of its share capital and debt structure.
Discussion on key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the Director’s report
What are the major changes in operating activities identified in the director’s report
Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? Describe the event.
Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes.
Key elements within  ‘Property, plant and Equipments’
How does the disclosure of Fixed Assets/Property Plant and Equipments compare with the requirements of the relevant accounting standards? Discuss company’s accounting policies in relation to ‘Property, plant and Equipments’
Identify the intangible assets reported by the company. Discuss their composition and relevance to the company’s business.
Are any intangible assets subject to impairment?  If so, list them.
How does the disclosure of intangible compare with the requirements of the relevant accounting standards? Discuss the Accounting policies relating to Intangible Assets.
What are the values of the leased assets and liabilities? What information is disclosed in the notes to the accounts in relation to leased assets and liabilities? 2
What is the name of the company’s independent auditors? What type of opinion did the independent auditors issue on the financial statements of this company (unqualified, qualified, adverse, or disclaimer)? What does this opinion mean?
Summary and conclusions
Depth of understanding and analysis of subject areas being examined. The extent to which accounting standards are used to explain different aspects of financial reporting.
Written communication-Structure, language,