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MBA Essay:公司和小型企业

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1147
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201611151520547486 论文字数:2005 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay


由于诸多原因,小企业正在到处发展。在许多国家根据运作的经济系统,他们都非常常见,典型的例子包括︰ 美发师、 会计师、 餐馆和最常见这些都是基于 web 网页设计和编程等业务。这些小企业给客户提供了区别于通常更受欢迎的大型组织的不同的选择,他们可能会提供更优质的服务或产品,或满足迎合给本地客户的不同需求,但有一件事很肯定,那就是多年来小企业的增加和扩大,我会解释为什么会变成这样。

正文——Main body

'Small firms and entrepreneurship are now widely recognised as a key source of dynamism, innovation and flexibility in advanced countries, as well as in emerging and developing countries' (David Deakins and Mark Freel, 2012, p 33). Research shows that small firms and entrepreneurship have made significant contributions to innovation, productivity and economic growth. This is due to many reasons of why small firms may be growing rapidly even in the time of economic crisis.

Firstly one reason for this rapid growth is down to the efficiency of a small firm, as it may be easier to run a small firm compared to larger firm. Typically a small firm would have smaller finances meaning it is cheaper to run as they have fewer employees and their running costs would also be considerably low in comparison to larger firms, this may sway an entrepreneur or a manager in choosing to start a small business. But other factors might alter their decisions such as issues with joining and competing in a market and issues with start up costs; does the entrepreneur think they will be able to compete in the market they join? Would they have the money to start up the business? These issues are discussed in more detail below.

In 2005 the European Commission relaunched the 'Lisbon Strategy', placing small firms at the heart of the agenda. The 'Lisbon Strategy' promised that it aims to focus on the concerns and needs of small firms and asserts that the 'Think Small First principle' will apply across all EU activities. For example in UK, 'the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has set itself the key target of helping to 'build an enterprise society in which smalls firms of all kind thrive and achieve their potential' (David Deakins and Mark Freel, 2012, p 32). This shows that small firms are getting greater visibility across Europe and people are giving small firms more attention, this can only enhance their reputation and make these small firms expand and make them become a success.

In the UK, the Pre-budget Report of November 2008, the Government announced a range of schemes to support small firms in the current period of financial difficulty. Some of this support was new, other aspects were modifications of existing schemes and some parts of the package would be delivered by other agencies, e.g. the Regional Development Agencies and European bodies such as the European Investment Bank.

Between November and the start of the programme, 'early 2009', the original package was itself re-examined and substantially modified. This was partly to reflect worsening conditions and partly to improve access to help and to simplify the administration of a complex package of help. For example, the longstanding small firms' loan guarantee scheme is now subsumed within a new, broader package of help. The new form of assistance was outlined by the Government on 14 January 2009.51 (small businesses and the UK economy 2012)

Another factor that has contributed to the growth of small firms is the web based small firms having a major impact in the market as technology has evolved through the years, it is specialised niche market for small firms to succeed in. From an article, McCartan-Quinn & David (2003 pg202) explore the characteristics of small firms and acknowledge their given freedom of expression which encourages creativeness and innovation compared to larger firms. The article goes on further to point out that small firms typically have limited impact on their given markets and tend to use the internet as one of the few tools to effectively compete on the same level as with larger organisations.

Since its evolution, the internet has brought about many possibilities and as a new channel for communication, brings along