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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2464
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201310250915057030 论文字数:3500 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
您的研究方向:MSC management
补充要求和说明:essay格式 HAVARD格式  研究生作业 能通过Turnitin检测

In this essay, writer will analyze the culture of a Chinesekindergarten and found out how the culture impact people. In the first chapter of the essay, writer wills the basic theory of organizational culture, such as its definition, what factor will impact it, and why it is so important to an organization.And then, in the second chapter, writer wills introduction a company that she was working for, and show the basic information about this company,what she conside the main factor impact the organizational culture of this company.Next, writer willanalyse this organization, try to found the organizational cultural value, in this enterprise through whatthey told writer and theirdo in this organization. And in the last chapter, writer will analyze the connection between organizational culture and behavior, and make a conclusion, and analyze the limitation of this essay.


Generally, people consider culture is invisible and hard to define. So culture always has an unclear image on people’s mind. Because it hard to understand,people tend to think all activities that can’t explain in a very clear way as a culture(Teengarden et al, 2011, p.7-8). 
As KotterandHeskett (1992) describe, culture can be a transmitter of “behavior patter, art, beliefs, institution, and the production of human work and characteristic of a community or population.”On the other world, culture is how a group of people belief what is the world and how it work (Teengarden et al, 2011see KotterandHeskett 1992 p.9 ).

Organization culture will shape during the time when people in the same organization, and make actions to reach a goal or a target together (Teengarden et al, 2011, p.8-9).As Schein(2004) defined, organizational culture is” a pattern of basic assumption,”that people in the same organization consider the inside and outside factors, perfectly solve problem, and then taught new members to correctly think the relationship about these question(Teengarden et al, 2011, seeSchein 2004 p.9).

One organizational culture always shape by many factor, such as what kind of the organization is, such as non-profit or profit companies, technological companies and service organization(Schein, 2010, p.2). Also, a new leader will bring some influence to organization culture(Teengarden et al, 2011, p.22-23). And one organization culture tend to be mainly decided by when this organization initially success(Teengarden et al, 2011, p.25). 

Expect people’s behavior, organizational culture also impact how people think about the work, the company, or decide the way they learn, and the normal work process should be (Schein, 2010, p.2).


Golden key kindergarten is aprofit private company which provideearly education and caring for children of age 3 to 6 years old. Itwas found in 2006 in QINGYUAN, a middle city in china.When it was found, rich parents were considered as its main consumers.It tried to providegood equipment and facilities and high quality education to make parents accept its high price. It provides large area of grassland that kid can hang outon it. The teaching building was built as a kindergarten, instead of converting from some civic buildings (that most kindergartens in QINGYUAN done to reduce the cost), so every rooms in this were desire for satisfaction kids’necessary, like every classroom have a toiler and a small storage room. It provided high salary to teachers and the headmistress who work for thiskindergarten, in order to improve its educational quality.
There are about 30 to 40 employees who work in here. Most of them are teachers; most of teachers are age between 20 to 30 years old.One class will be responded by two teachers, one of them will in charge of this class, and the other one will probably