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产业关系对企业的贡献MBA Essay

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1242
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201701061036338692 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay


This assignment is to create the video making about Industrial Relation and understanding of contribution of IR to individual and organization. Industrial Relation became a field of study since a century ago. The important of Industrial Relation are key to progress and success. The significance may be discussed as under uninterrupted production, reduction in Industrial Disputes, high morale, mental revolution and reduced wastage. Therefore, as a student need to know about the Industrial Relation deeply on their field of study.


In initial usage, the term industrial relations was little more than a shorthand for the “relations between labour and capital in industry,” a phase encountered frequently before 1912. The meaning of the term soon expended greatly, however, and by 1920 it had come to represent an academic field of study, a reform movement in industry, and a professional vocation.

This birth of the term industrial relations and its metamorphosis into a subject of academic inquiry was critically influenced by several events and ideas in the preceding half-century. An appreciation of the origins and development of the field requires brief mention of theses events and ideas. (Kaufman, 1993)

The Labour Dictionary defines “industrial relation” as the relation between employers and employees in industry. In order that the term “industrial relations” could never cover every sector of the labour force in all part of the world, the International Institute of Labour Studies has defined it as “social relations in production”.

The few element of this term is originally the term stood for employer-employee relations in an industry. When the workers organised themselves into trade unions and the latter started dealing with the employers, trade unions activities also came to be included under this term. When the relation between employers and employees came to be vested with the public importance and ceased to be private, the state had to be involved in such relations. Therefore, the activities of the state designed to modify, regulate and control relations between employers and employees also become a part of “industrial relations”.

Considering all these elements mentioned above, the term “industrial relations” can be taken to stand for employee union, employer, and government relationship in employment. As the term indicates, industrial relations spring from the contacts between employers, employees and their trade unions. Such relations and contacts prevail at various forms such as the relations between a single employer and a single union of his employees, between a single employer and more than one union or between many employers organised on one side, and many unions grouped under federation, on the other. (Sinha, 2004)



Individual cannot make decisions alone in several issues. Hence, he or she needs the help and guidance from others. Industrial relations help individual to solve their problems through mutual negotiations and consultation with their employer. Besides that, it also provides a platform for the individual to voice out their opinion to their employer and takes part in decision-making. Subsequently, it also improves the economic condition of the employee when disputes and dissatisfaction about wages and benefits are negotiated through collective bargaining.

Good industrial relations enhance employees’ morale and motivation. When the employer and employees have the same vision or interest, for instance, to increase organizational performance, it built mutual cooperation. The employee feels that he or she also has ownership in the organization’s gains. Hence, when the income of the employee increases once the profitability of the organization increases, it boosts his or her motivation to put in more ef