As a fast-moving consumer goods wholesale business in tobacco enterprises, warehousemanagement is closely related to all aspects of storage, procurement and logistics. In purchasearea, quickly and real-time reflect the current inventory, timely adjustment of supplyprocurement are the concerns of content when purchase; In storage areas, improve storageefficiency, reduce inventory cycle are requirements for warehouse management; In logisticsand distribution areas, to be sorting and coding to, bar code needs to include productinformation which depends on warehouse management system to quickly provide.
At present, most of the tobacco Enterprise warehouse management system using barcodetechnology. Compared to the traditional manual operation, the intelligent has been greatlyimproved, but still need to spend a lot of manual to read barcode information on tobaccoproducts. With the rapid economic development in our country's entities, the improvement ofincomes and living requirements, in the face of increasingly fierce competition in the industryenvironment, existing warehouse management system has been unable to meet the demand fortobacco companies to develop and grow. How to establish and perfect a warehousemanagement information system which can reflect the current inventory in real time,efficiently and quickly provide and update goods information is the most important problemneed to be solved by the tobacco companies.
In response to these questions, this article on the basis of research for relatedtechnologies and tools, to a practical project in the background of the big tobacco companies,after the analysis of enterprise warehouse management system, made the application of RFIDin warehouse management to enterprise. Explain the design and implementation for tobaccoenterprises warehouse management system based on RFID. This system is composed of fivemajor subsystems: Pallet identification