

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1003
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201104240947467539 论文字数:-1 所属栏目:运营管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title


目的 通过对南省新农合制度论文网运行现状的调查分析,总结经验,发现存在的问题,提出相应建议。方法  用分层随机抽样的方法抽取河南省6个地市24个县为调查对象,采用问卷调查、现场查看、询问参合农民、暗访等方法对市、县合管办2008年新农合资金支出情况、定点医疗机构运行情况、医疗费用情况开展调查,将所得数据录入spss13.0进行分析。结果 参合农民和筹资额度大幅增加;参合农民次均住院补偿额和实际住院补偿比提高;参合农民住院流向主要集中在县内。结论2008年河南省新农合制度运行整体良好,但也存在基金风险、定点机构操作不规范、监管薄弱、管理信息系统不完善等问题。需要规范基金监管制度;加强定点医疗机构监管;加强新农合经办人员的业务培训;加快信息化平台建设;尽快实施门诊统筹制度。


【关键词】  新农合  运行情况   问题与建议

Abstract: Objective   By analyzing the current situation of New Rural Cooperative Medical System  in Henan Province, summarizing the experiences and lessons from the system,and proposed corresponding advices. Methods Using stratified random sampling method collected 24 counties of 6 citiys in Henan Province for the investigation of objects, employing a questionnaire survey, on-site viewing, asked about the rituals and other methods for capital expenditure, fixed-point operation of medical institutions, medical expenses of carrying out investigations in 2008 year, will be spss13.0 data entry for analysis. Results Participating farmers and a substantial increase in funding amount; to participate in meeting both the farmers and the actual amount of compensation for hospitals inpatient reimbursement ratios increase; Participation All farmers flows concentrated in the county hospitals. Conclusion  The New Rural Cooperative Medical System was running well in Henan Province for 2008,but there were some problems:the fund has risks;the fixed-point hospitals have non-standard operations;supervision is weak and so on. Need to standardize fund control systems; strengthen the supervision of designated medical institutions; to strengthen the new rural cooperative medical personnel handling the business training; construction of information platform; to practice the financing operation for outpatient service.

 Key words:New Rural Cooperative Medical System; Operational status; lessons and advices.

新型农村合作医疗(简称新农合)制度的实施,为减轻农民医疗费用负担,缓解农民因病致贫、因病返贫问题发挥了重要作用,因而受到了广大农民的普遍欢迎。河南省自2003年启动新农合试点工作以来,至 2008年底,全省157个县(市、区)的7450万农民参加了新农合,参合率达到93.4%,走在了我国中西部地区的前列。为了使河南省新农合制度能更好的造福于广大农村居民,在河南省卫生厅的支持下,我们对2008年河南省新农合制度的运行状况进行了深入调研。
1.1.1 河南省各个县(市、区)上报的2008年新农合基本信息报表
1.1.2 南省卫生厅于2009年3月进行的新农合运行督导调查数据。
1.2 方法

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