

日期:2018年09月21日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3112
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411092120118501 论文字数:39054 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
people,is not only the main tunnel to acquire information in our daily life, but also a key processin foreign language teaching. However, the effect of current college English listeningteaching is far out of expectation. Although students consume enormous time listening tovarious kinds of listening materials, doing exercises, their listening ability has not yetbeen greatly improved. There are in general two factors accounting for this intensesituation.Firstly, nowadays the normal listening teaching pay much attention to students'testing skills while keeping a blind eye to students' interactional ability. In Englishteaching,interactional ability means the ability to get information and make use of themthrough understanding the listening materials. In order to develop this ability, we need tohave our students have access to more listenable materials, and thus intensify students'understanding of the whole as well as every detail of the listening materials.Secondly, in almost all common Chinese college English listening class, teachersalways make promise to their students that we can automatically develop our listeningability by indulging ourselves into the language and by daily practice of thepronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of the language we are learning. In practicalteaching, the traditional college English listening class always follows a relevantly stableStep as explaining some new words which will appear in the listening materials, playingthe recorder or tape and commanding that the students listen carefully for 2-3 times whileaccomplishing the listening comprehension exercises as many as they can, asking somestudents to share their answers, playing the recorder and stopping for a while after eachsentence and then asking some students to stand up and repeat or explain some sentenceespecially in which the answers appear, playing the recorder the last time without stopand leaving some time for the students to check the answers by themselves.This procedure of listening teaching is not benefit for the development of students'listening competence, and we would rather call it listening testing instead of listeningteaching. Through this teaching method, students seldom get any help in how to acquirethis important skill they need to acquire. Under the current English approach,teachersalways evaluate whether a student's listening ability is good by referring to how manycorrect responses to questions or tasks he or she has given. Teachers pay much attentionto the result of listening instead of to listening ability itself,to the final result instead ofthe listening process. As a result, this kind of listening teaching method only offers someexercise to the teachers and students in listening class but does not succeed in teachingthe skills. But as mentioned in the beginning of the essay,listening comprehension is anactive and dynamic process. Teachers need to arouse the students' former relevantbackground knowledge and try to encourage the students to make a prediction to whatwill be heard and then find out the links between the listening materials and theknowledge that they have known before. But in current practical listening class, teachersjust teach new words, ask students to do the exercise and check a