
补锌对早产儿和低出生体重儿的生长和及其血清锌浓度的影响:系统回顾和医学 meta 分析

日期:2018年07月27日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2893
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201807262003548977 论文字数:37154 所属栏目:医学论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
uirements of low birth weight breastfed infants [14-16].On the other hand, studies from somedeveloping countries have failed to identify a growth response to Zn supplementation, so theimportance of Zn deficiency as a public health problem remains controversial.

2. Methods

2.1. Search strategy
To evaluate the effect of zinc supplementation on growth and serum zinc concentration, weconducted a literature search on, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and EMBASE. Only article inEnglish were searched. The following search queries was used for literature search: (newbornOR neonate* OR infant OR neonates OR postnatal OR post-natal) AND (low birth weight ORpreterm OR small for gestational age OR premature) AND (“growth” OR“height” OR“weight”AND (“Zinc” OR“Zinc sulphate”) and limited to “clinical trial” and“humans”. The bibliographiccitations from each of the studies that were located were also examined to identify any otherreferences not already included in the database. We searched for trials published 1966 untilFebruary 2017.

2.2 Criteria for considering studies for this systemic review and meta-analysis
Allocated to receive zinc supplementation (of at least 1 RDA of elemental zinc ), andcompared with a control group (placebo )  We excluded cross-over studies, letters and narrative literature reviews, duplicatepublications, studies where Zn intake - growth relationship was not reported or healthoutcomes other than growth assessed.The studies selected had to include at least one of the major outcome measures of interest,like change in length or change in weight.Zinc salts given as tablets or syrups orally to provide at least 1 RDA of elemental zinc [19,20] for at least a period of ≥8 weeks and introduced within one month of birth. Trials providingadditional supplements (for example, vitamin A, micronutrient mixtures, iron) were considered ifthe only difference between the two comparison arms was zinc supplement. The comparisongroups included no intervention or placebo. There was no restriction on dose of zincsupplemented or formula used (e.g. Zinc Sulphate or Zinc Gluconate etc.)

Material and Method...........6

4. Discussion

Meta-analysis techniques are increasingly being used to consolidate results from multiplestudies of the same topic and to develop evidence-based policies for clinical practice and publichealth programming. The reliability of the conclusions derived from meta-analyses depends onthe methodologic quality of the original studies, the appropriateness of the study inclusioncriteria, and the thoroughness of the review and synthesis of information [18]. This systematicreview was undertaken to investigate the association between zinc intake and indices of growthin preterm and low birth weight infants. Eighteen estimates in ten RCTs, which enrolled a totalof 1316 children, were included in eight meta-analyses. In pooled analyses, The results indicatethat zinc supplementation results in a highly statistically significant increase in the linear growth,weight gains, head circumference and mid upper arm circumference of preterm and low birthweight infants, but does not affect the weight-for age, length-for age and weight-for-lengthindex. Zinc supplementation also produces a large, highly statistically significant increase inchildren’s serum zinc concentrations in children of this age.Several systematic reviews have been published that have investigated the relationshipbetween zinc supplementation and growth in children, but there is con