

日期:2018年04月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1472
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201601031105122760 论文字数:38596 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the reform of the new National English Curriculum (The version of 2011)which was formulated by Education Ministry of China, listening is more highlyvalued. In Shanghai, the latest curriculum reform also put forward higherrequirements for both teachers and students. For junior middle schools, students arerequired to grasp the key words and pivotal information in the process of listening andconclude them concisely. Moreover, they should be cultivated to take notes whilelistening. In addition, they should be able to link the information from listeningmaterials with relevant facts. Last but not the least, they should comprehend not onlythe characters represented in the stories but also the development and results of them.The fact is that, most of students feel completely at a loss to meet those requirements.At the stage of junior middle school, students have to experience a transitional periodof acclimatizing themselves to formal examinations which are different from the teststhey have taken before no matter from the question types or quantities. As a result,junior students are always in low confidence in face of listening tasks. They are tooanxious to get well prepared for the listening, which leads to the undesirableperformance. On the other side, the lack of sufficient linguistic knowledge, listeningskills and cultural background knowledge also hinder students’comprehension.Currently, an increasing number of people have realized the importance ofEnglish listening. Many middle schools take the listening teaching seriously and evenarrange special listening classes to improve students’ listening abilities. In most ofEnglish listening classes, teachers are accustomed to using the conventional teachingmethods: teachers play the tape and ask students to listen and finish the exercises;after that, teachers check the answers with students and help them to correct.

1.2 Research Questions
The thesis aims to do the research on the questions as follows:
1. Is it helpful to lower students’ anxiety and help them to feel relaxed bypre-listening activities?
2. Is it beneficial to arouse students’ interests in listening by increasing thecomprehensible input?
3. Is it conductive to improve students’ listening competence by increasingcomprehensible input from extensive listening?

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Krashen’s Input Hypotheses
The Input Hypotheses, which developed by the famous American linguistStephen D. Krashen, consists of five main hypotheses: the Acquisition-Learninghypothesis, the Monitor hypothesis, the Natural Order hypothesis, the Inputhypothesis, and theAffective Filter hypothesis.According to Krashen, there are two independent ways for second languagelearners to perform in second language learning: “the acquired system or acquisition”and “the learned system or learning”. The acquired system or acquisition refers to the“subconscious process identical in all important ways to the process children utilize inacquiring their first language”. While the learned system or learning refers to the“conscious process” those results in “knowing about” language (Krashen, 1985a:1).Acquisition is used to refer to picking up a second language through exposure,whereas learning is used to refer to the conscious study of a second language (Ellis, 1999). In another word, the acquired system or acquisition is the product of asubconscious process, much like first language acquisition;the learned system orlearning is the product of formal instruction and it comprises a conscious processwhich results in conscious knowledge about the language (Krashen, 1982).Acquisition is the result of natural interaction with the language via meaningfulcommunication, and learning is the result of classroom experiences, in which the1eamer is made to focus on form and to learn about the rules of second language. Thespeak