

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3794
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201001221254501341 论文字数:6000 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
所谓CCC英语教学法,就是在强调语言情感的基础上,通过communicative situation,comparison-classification and conclusive thinking 三位为一体的教学互动模式进行展开教学的,其原则是教师通过创设情景等手段,教会学生由感性过渡到理智型的思维方法去学习。

 交际教学要求英语教师运用较流利标准的口语,组织贯穿整个课堂(Speak English if possible;speak Chinese when necessary),不断刺激学生想用英语交流,用英语思考。Language is for the exchange of ideas,for communication.It’s no good knowing all about a language if you cannot use it.交际的底蕴乃是文化、思想、思维、认知。交际的本质也是一种生成和创造,而且是一种综合性的包括内容和形式两方面的创造。交际法则和句子生成法则一样,是扎根于理性智力的。交际的框架实际上是大脑中逻辑框架的外化。功能和意念的分类,仍然未超出逻辑概念的层次范畴。这样说,目的在于把交际能力和心智或智力联系在一起,使学习者在英语整体学习中,不只是从表面上抓交际能力的培养,而且从本质上抓交际能力的修炼,即从模仿性的交际到创造性的交际,从交际行为到交际认知,从感性到理性。


1.Students engage in conversations,provide and obtain information,express feelings and emotions,and exchange opinions.2.Students understand and interrupt written and spoken language on a variety of topics.3.Students present information,concerpts,and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety topics.交际法的教学基本原则是:(1)把言语交际作为教学的出发点和依归;(2)力求使教学过程交际化;(3)以学生而不是教师作为学习的主体;(4)把听、说、读、写四会技能视为综合的语言活动,把口语和书面语放在同等重要的位置上。我国现行统编英语教材在单元dialogue系列中,要求学生在学完该对话后,必须能说出或写出易于接受的目标语,而且是在未经排练的语境中这样做。教师在对学生进行交际教学的过程中,也不应忽视语言点的教学。而语言点的教学更多的是涉及到句子结构的综合分析和词汇的思维教学---即完形填空测试的前奏性教学。

教师通过移植思维创设类似话题。如:在学完SBⅠ——Unit 4(dialogue)之后,通过“变式”创设下列表格,先由2人或4人小组自由交谈,然后教师抽查,并给予小奖品鼓励,激发学生动机。



----Mike,I’ll go now for the new job.

----________!I hope you do fine.

A.Congratulations B.Good chance  C.Good luck  D.Come on



----Iseverybodyhere? ----Yes,we are all here.(有些学生定势思维说答案是anybody)

----The exam was easy,wasn’t it? ----Yes,but I don’t thinkeverybodycould pass it.(不少学生竟然说答案是anybody)



中国学生学好英语语法就好比是获得了一条过河的船。但是又不能为学语法而语法,学语法一定要结合句子意义的思维去学。即首先让学生大量接触适合自己程度的语言材料,对其中一部分认真学习,加以归纳,力求融会贯通,读来上口,觉得那样表达的方式顺理成章,十分自然而不勉强,也不生疏。这样,你就会逐渐对英语的基本格式初步有了一定的语言感。The great virtue of grammar is that it brings to light the general in the particular and the particular in the general,but studying grammar is not the solution if your goal is to learn to communicate.

教师通过创设语境,学生领悟时态。如;The stopwatch said that three minutes forty-eighty seconds---Oh,hehad brokenthe world record!(不少学生填has broken)

教师通过创设有效句子,学生须综合分析答题。如:So far I have not found my book yet,as a matter of fact,I’m not surewhatto do with it.(反馈信息:大部分学生填how)


一般认为,所学的词在短期内复现的次数越多,记忆效果就越好。但是,英国语言学家Bahrick却认为,人们对某一事物记忆的好坏,取决于对该事物认识层次的深浅。对于有较深了解的词只要呈现一次或两次,其记忆效果会比呈现多次好。他主张,教师应力求使学生理解并记牢第一次出现的词。在他看来,重要的是如何呈现词汇的方法和技巧。1.When presenting new vocabulary,you must teach its meaning and pronunciation.2.The precise meaning of new words,in specific contexts,is very important.3.The meaning of new words can be taught through pictures,mime,real objects,as well as from a situation in context.4.Teachers need to ask questions to check that students understand the meaning.5.Students need lots of varied practice of new vocabulary.5.Students need to revise new vocabulary regularly.6.Students need to record and store new vocabulary in a helpful way.Well-recorded new vocabulary can improve students’learning.……

教师通过句子创设情境,要求学生领悟出其单词。如:教师要求学生学习单词partner,lose weight,difficulty不妨创设这样的句子并附带body laguage或简笔画进行教学。If you want to dance,you will find apartner.He is too fat,so he has tolose weight.Mr Wang was a well-known teacher in the school,so we had nodifficulty/trouble(in)finding his house.

 教师通过创设一个句子来集中学习数个新词。如:If youmix petrol,castor oilandvinegartogether,you’ll get a terriblemixture.

 教师通过创设一个句子来学习反义词。如:Shanghai is aneasternarea of China,while Qinghai is awesternarea of China. 60% of the students in our class aremale.That means 40% arefemale.

 教师通过创设“已知”句子进行逻辑思维并同时渗透文化意识学习新词:As we know,Piccaso came from Europe a





Where (stay)

Student A


next Thur.evening(…)

by air(take a taxi to the airport with my father 



penfriend,John’s house

Student B


on Fri.(…)

by air(not by train)

New York(…)

Parents’ house(stay for two months.)